Very likely! I wouldn’t have thought so until you mentioned it
Very likely! I wouldn’t have thought so until you mentioned it
I wrote my senior paper at university on data collection and facebooks role in all that. You are so off base with your comment, it’s sad. That “paranoid nerd” you just shit on is entirely right and you sound like a reductionist oaf
Don’t forget that the groups they targeted were as small as 10 people. Facebook is the reason our world is a shit as it is now. Fuck meta. Fuck Facebook. Fuck all of them. I despise them with deeper hatred than 99.99% of the things I have ever known
Fuck spez. Even if they reversed their decision, they have made it very clear how much they will take control if they don’t get their way. They have repeatedly mistreated the mods, devs, and community. They slandered a man with lies that could end his career because of why? To gain social points?
Spez has shown what reddit really is and I am done
This is the exact reason that I deleted my Reddit account and am back over here