• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • If people don’t want to be with God, God respects their choice.

    You may genuinely believe that. But it is in no way what your religion teaches. The whole history of your religions desire to spread. Is based on saving non Christian souls from suffering.

    And even a cursory look at the history of Christianity. Shows a great deal of earthly suffering caused by that unprofitable and frankly rather daft idea.

    I’ll give you a break. Few religions do not have this inbuilt punish,ent for unbelievers. Its sorta the point of religion to grow and form a powerful force. Yeah you may find that idea insulting. But it is simply the truth of history. Religions are lead by humans who have human goals.

    The only religion that is actually openly opposed to it is Wiccan. And honestly that is a religion created in the 1940 by people looking at the mess other created. So hardly less about human goals. Just nicer humans.

  • Your first sentence is a common issue xtians face. You are making an argument to an atheist using your stories as evidence. To my it’s like saying faster than light travel exists because captain Picard did it.

    It in no way suggests to anyone but xtians that you are accountable for your sins. And worse, suggests you think someone else was punished rather than you. And when you add the whole concept of original sin. Very much indicates sin is not actually something you consider to be purely related to your own personal action. So sorta impossible to convince non xtians that your understanding of accountability is well-formed.

    As for your last sentence. It is rather odd you can honestly sprout crap like that after your first comment was having a go at me for calling god authoritarian.

    You believe he makes people suffer for eternity for failing to love him. We consider human insane and criminal for that behaviour.

  • The original discussion wasn’t about accountabilit

    As a xtian raised with the idea of Satan. I spose it is understandable why you may feel others think that way. But you are incorrect. To an atheist and in fact all non-Abrahamic religions

    Yes it was. To non xtians (etc) The whole story of Satan is about accountability. To such an obvious extent, it seems odd to have to explain it to you.

    The whole xtian idea of Satan informing mankind of the knowledge of good and evil is a story about mankind not being accountable for sin. But instead, failing to resist the temptation of a 3rd party, the devil. To anyone not raised on your ideal of satan. It is an attempt to reject the Idea you have evil thoughts and ideas. But instead the suggestion you just lack the faith to resist evil injected into your mind by a 3rd party. So yes, I raised accountability. This is why the whole idea of rebelling against God being a bad thing. Seems to be more refusal of accountability.

    I know it is hard. But for one minute, remember you are actually an atheist. You will consider this a stupid argument. But that is the bias of religion. But you consider faith in Oden, Thor, Zeus, Poseidon and the list can go on for 1000s. All to be stupid. I just add one more.

    Try to see the story of Satan as for example the story of Oden hanging from the tree giving knowledge of runic writing to mankind. And it becomes clear why I see your story as describing an authoritarian god. How else do you describe a god who refuses to let his children gain knowledge. Basically a refusal to let children grow.

    Yes, to the rest of us it is about accountability. To us its not is evil acceptable or not. Of course, it is not. But then, nor is refusing to accept the ideas are your own. And as such, if you have them. You have to be responsible for not acting on them.

    As for being bigoted. The amount of times I have had American xtians when I lived there. Question why I don’t do evil things because I am an atheist. A concept I have never heard from a European xtian in my whole life.

    Yeah the whole idea these people only refuse to harm folks because they think god will punish them. Is fucking scary.

    I don’t harm others because they are people with feelings. The whole idea that some people cannot comprehend that without the thought of a heaven or hell. These people are not good.

  • Stop inventing fucking insane ideas in my name. It’s a fucking childish way to make an invalid and childish point.

    I do not believe in mythical fairy tail beings. Evil is an action of free thought and people. Not some stupid influence that allows you to feel better for your own shitty actions.

    If you do shitty things like eugenics, genocide, murder or rape. The subjects you raise to try and create an emotional link. You are a shitty, evil arsehole. Not some imaginary 3rd party you invent to give yourself an excuse.

    Its this insulting and self excusing bullshit that makes so many athists consider Christianity and Christians fucking evil.

  • Again, once again, you want to have free will but also don’t want evil to exist. Free will without the ability to rebel against God isn’t free will.

    Not believing in god or Satan in no way means I don’t believe in evil. That is a rather nieve Christian idea. And a very fucked up idea of what free will is.

    You seem to believe in some odd version of free will, where you have freedom of action. But get to blame someone/something else for your actions. When you do something evil. You did it, you were not tempted or deceived into it by some 3rd party fairy tail.

    The statement you make here is fucking terrifying to atheists. Because you seem to think free will has no actual responsibility for your own actions. But instead blame Satan.

    And a library of collected stories is not a book. The forming of 66 books into the bible was the actual action of St Jerome.

  • The Old Testament was a collection of stories, not an actual book. Hence, the word bible. And not compiled as we know it until 400ad by St. Jerome. This was when the 66 books were agreed on and formed into a single accepted source. Also, when a huge number of stories were excluded as they were opposed to the political ideas of the church leaders at the time.

    And given we are talking about the fall of Satan. It is pretty obvious that I am refusing to mythical events and stories passed down long before the bibble was a concept.

    Assuming fundamental xtian belief, just over 6k years. (ignoring clear evidence that Homo sapiens existed nearly 300k years ago and Homo erectus ancestors about 2m years ago. Sorta throws the whole biblical story of Eden as nothing more then fairy tales.

    But those tails def only paint the story of Satan as encouraging mankind to learn

    And god as an authoritarian that did not want his children/humanity t) to learn to question him. Yeah, at no point is Satan actually accused of creating or being evil. Just giving humans the ability to actually question and learn independent of god.

    IE, to question someone who at the very least is very narcissistic. And in the most logical interpretation. Trying to force sentient beings into a slavery of ignorance. .

  • It’s not the same argument at all.

    Mainly because we are talking about old white men in 400 ad gathering fables from local tribes. IE a library of stories and fiction.

    Nothing in those fables talks about any action committed by Satan matching such crimes.

    People claiming the cause of the civil war are ignoring events. Actual slavery rape murder and abuse, (although not crimes at the time in the states involved). Not to mention the north actually allowing and working to protect the south’s right to keep slaves. Such event just did not exist in the fables.

    The only time the devil is actually accused of anything is after he is giving knowledge to mankind. At no point is he ever said to have murdered or raped anyone.

  • Do not invent my arguments to satisfy your own stupidity. The story in no way indicates Satan objected to the rules. If fact, he objected to the very thing you are giving god credit for.

    God punished Satan for questioning him. Not for killing or rape. Just for asking why humans were given free will, but angels were not. As much as you like to read the story in a way that makes you feel better. You are talking from the wrong orifice. The story of Satan is in no way accused of breaking the commandments. Only asking why humans are given so much freedom and his own kind not.

  • HumanPenguin@feddit.uktoOpen Source@lemmy.mldon't use ladybird browser lol
    12 days ago

    Agreed. Most of us really do not think about this shit as often as we should. I know I am guilty of assuming he when typing. I know because I make an effort not to be. And notice how often I need to correct text. Being older than many developers. I just grew up with the assumptions. So like many my age needed my attention drawn to the societal indoctrination.

    People politely pointing it out is important. As is people volunteering to help correct older documentation.

  • Needs to be more media coverage of punishment for people giving medical advice with no qualifications.

    This man was convicted for killing children in AUS. Yet 17 months later, others fell for his crap.

    As a T1d its seems insane to me that any other diabetic would stop insulin. The muscle pain and inability to generate energy from high glucose is bad enough. Honestly, 3 days of slapping will be nothing compared to the pain she would be suffering at this point. Simple fact for those who do not understand the biology. Without insulin, your body is unable to generate any energy to operate your muscles or brain. As such muscles sends desperate signals to your brain to stop movement. At a time when the blood in your limbs organs and muscles is turning to treacle. Causing your joints to have other pain issues. While also harming all other organs. Hence, the term systemic disease. It fucks everything.

    This victim clearly needed more education as to what her body is going through in those times. But this is common around the world. Most T1ds have to demand explanations past “It’s a common issue with diabetics”. This is often all we hear from to busy doctors. So T1ds not understanding the details of their illness is forgivable.

    But the media really does need to be involved in scaring the shit out of medical quacks making false non evidenced claims against qualified advice. Alternative medicine gets a bad name from shitheads like this. Most practisers, while maybe often little more than placebo or sometimes just less refined herbalism using historical anecdotal support. They do tend to recognise they are at best additional to professional MDs. As such, encourage patients to ensure their treatments do not interfere with RXed solutions.

  • Not sure about biological reasons. Its possible I spose but without more medical knowledge. In not sure how removing / changing organs as they grow developmentally effects the final outcome.

    The argument has always been about the maturity of the candidate. And the idea that surgery is not practically reversible. Vs the mental harm of growing up in a body that dose not match your perceived gender.

    But I have to wonder. As In the UK and I am sure the US hormone blockers are also being attacked with often questionable medical evidence as to the harm the may do when used on developing teenagers.

    Given In the UK it is definatly not legal for anyone under the age of consent to have gender reasignment surgery. The current attacks seem to be aimed at making it impossible for that surgery to achive its best success once it is legal.