Memes don’t matter if revenue climbed
Memes don’t matter if revenue climbed
Specifically from Tim Hortons, which despite not having been Canadian in ages still gets treated like a Canadian icon.
But as a result yeah, often referred to that way in common culture.
As a Canadian it looks like a timbit being used for scale
It’s two cartons of eggs, each container is a dozen and a half. Eggs are normally in units of a dozen so keeping that as a consistent unit across multiple brands and styles makes sense. Costco normally indicates how many things are packaged together more than the overall total. It’s useful to know the format.
If it was on tray of 36 eggs the would have used 3 dozen and the indicator to keep it consistent with the standard unit of eggs.
I am 39 years old and my egg just cracked. I can’t imagine how it must feel being stuck but there is lots of time left for you to get where you are going. Keep going strong, it gets better I swear.
I always carried purple, none of the guys I knew would steal a purple lighter and I always knew which where mine.
Look into dice trays, put some sacrificial wood between your table and the dice. All the nice sounds, none of the unintentional damage.
Not a country? Maybe that’s why it’s not included.
He is also being charged federally. And that is the capital case.
I have never seen a specialist without a giant wait-list. These providers tend to have too many patients so they have a negative incentive for trying to make it easier to reach them.
Don’t forget the classic r/Superbowl. Greatest sub reddit scoop in the history of Reddit.
This game has some of my favorite rpg art I have ever seen.
People want them around the holidays because they hang their lights in the wrong direction and end up with 2 female plugs where they needed one to be male… So the want the danger adapter because they are not wanting to take anything down
And the first sentence literally describes the scientific definition of bug…
Not a movie but zomboat is a fantastic British zombie tv series.
I work for a Canadian EMR company and we deal with a couple of options for medical voice software. I know Dragon naturally speaking has a medical offering that likely would meet any regulatory requirements. There are also some subscription based ones that I don’t know if there are US versions of, but If you google the medical options you should be able to find some options.
Why remove the plants until you have a new home to move them to?
No idea but I love it
Memes only matter if they effect revenue. If profit climbed then the stupid stays.