The amount of time wasted on our attention spans because of ads… Sometimes I feel suffocated, it feels like an intruder trying to crack open my skull through repetition. It’s so nice to be able to go on a website with no ads like lemmy! MY ADBLOCKER DOES NOTHING IT HAS NOT HAPPENED IN THE PAST 10 YEARS
In France it’s pure greed. The government keeps trying to pawn off any public utility that doesn’t generate revenue since that Jupiter wannabe took office. I don’t know how politicians convinced billions of people that public utilities must be profitable…
yeah social media should be more functional and easily put away when not needed. I love the fact that I just don’t get attention consuming notifications. I love the fact that there isn’t an algorithm that promotes the most inflammatory point of view for “eNgAgEmEnT”.
I just don’t feel like a product here, it feels real compared to any platform.
He just wants a private club with a familiar venue. He knows people like twitter, so he buys it for himself to play king among the plebs and rubbing it into the faces of his “critics” who truly know who he is. Sometimes I wonder if he actually acknowledges the outside world at all since his 5 minutes of fame. Anyways, the emperor has no clothes, and his self destruction is highly entertaining.
I think he just wants a private club with all the people already inside on a familiar and well respected platform imo, he just doesn’t realize that his 5 minutes of fame are over, people see for who he really is.
Did the donkeys get along with the chickens before their mood soured? I can’t tell if this is a copy pasta also they have very fun names