• 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • About Rafa?

    Thanks for the sources.

    I should’ve clarified. They aren’t currently using uniforms. As in, in the fighting since the 7th of October. They justify it themselves in interviews and you can see it in videos of theirs.

    It does not matter whether they are doing it now, later or in the past. My point is: both sides are purposefully blending in society of the Palestinian people and that Hamas does indeed have their own military uniforms.

    About the pictures, this article shows them. Reuters also mentioned them, but it’s written they haven’t verified them yet.

    So it is not verified yet or is it? As long as it is not verified by someone else than Israel or Hamas, how certain can we as viewers and readers be? Israel is known for lying to the entire world. Few examples of their lies:

    1. IDF found a calendar in Arabic, not a Hamas ‘names list’ at hospital

    2. Israeli soldier claims Arabic calendar is Hamas ‘guardian list’

    3. Watching the watchdogs: Babies and truth die together in Israel-Palestine

    And that isn’t the IDF, it’s the Israeli police’s counter-terrorism unit.

    Making a distinct between IDF and their police unit does not matter. Israel is doing it as well. That’s my point. Therefore you cannot only ‘point fingers’ to Hamas.

    Honestly my whole point of argument is; there’s no justifying what Israel has been doing since 7 October. Way (way) to many innocent Palestinian civillains have been murdered by Israel with very little ‘‘victory’’ for Israel. Israel’s PM goal is not achievable at all. Because Hamas will forever exist as long as Israel is the occupier, stealing land, illegal settlements, Apartheid and everything else they do towards the Palestinian people.

  • I have been trying to get into Medium for a while now. It seems okay but lacks a lot quality content and their website somehow do not give me recent blogs. The site always gives me blogs from 2017-2020, never from 2024.

    The site is immensely paywalled, almost all articles are paid. Now if the articles/ content was actually decent, I might’ve paid. However, sadly it is not and there’s a way to read the premium articles for free. So there’s that.

    Been trying to find other places to read blogs but can’t seem to find a good place.

    • Recently finished Cyberpunk 2077. For all its hype, I found it a mediocre/ generic game.
    • I’m trying to get into Baldur’s Gate 3 but it seems, it just is not my type of game (first D&D). Might also have to do with the fact, I tried to replace LeagueOfLegends with Baldur’s Gate.
    • (re)playing Last of Us 1 (remake version on PC). Stays a great game.
    • Debating whether to quit Returnal and play another game such as Alan Wake 2 or Hellblade 2.

    I’m also trying to find a isometric/ top-down game to replace LeagueOfLegends with. But no luck.

  • Haven’t checked the video because the comments say enough. Though perhaps here are three takes;

    • Make prices decent and not €70 for a 8 years old game.
    • Decent hardware that allows at least 60FPS.
    • Have decent joycons (I keep reading that there are issues with it).

    Though, doesn’t matter for me. Will never purchase a console or game from that shit company. Rather put on the eyepatch for this company.

  • Unfortunately and sadly doesn’t surprise me anymore. All big platforms (Instagram, Facebook, Reddit, YouTube, Pinterest and such) are allowing hateful stuff towards Palestinian people.

    However when someone criticizes Israel government and their genocide. Your comment, video or anything else gets removed within A day. Even if it is not even related to the entire thing.

    I have a Pinterest account and have a Palestinian board and it got twice removed for “hate speech” while it shows nothing of hate. Merely Palestinian things such as flags, clothes, people and such.

    It’s pretty obvious that social media as a whole is just a corrupt mess.

  • Yeah, I’m. For multiple reasons;

    • In Arabian culture, one doesn’t leave until marriage.
    • I’m still in university (almost finished tho).
    • Parents have health problems therefore, I’ll stay longer to take care for them.
    • House prices are insanely high (both renting and purchasing).

    I’m living in Europe though but my dad is from a Arabian country and well, culture stayed with him. Anyway, I’d help a lot at home. Household things, helping with groceries, medication and such.

    That said, I don’t care what anyone says about still living at home and not on my own. There will be always a chance to get an apartment but people often forget; parents won’t be here forever. One day they’ll pass away. Never forget that.

  • Very few people are downloading the big-name console games ported over to iPhone in the last year – and an even smaller number are paying $15-50 to unlock the full games.

    I mean… What did they expect? Playing on either console or PC is most of the time, the go to. Plays much smoother, bigger screen and perhaps better FPS.

    Playing on a iPhone means smaller screen, bothersome controls (sure you can connect your controller to it but then just play on console/PC). Not to mention the article wrote about “to unlock the full games” which I assume means, you’ll have to pay for the game plus pay within the game for certain things(?).

    The game is only playable on iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro Max and high-end iPads.

    This might also have to do with it, not everyone immediately purchases the newest iPhone (and then purchasing a game that is much better to be played on console/ PC).

    There was more I wanted to quote from the article but have to hurry for work.