Ex-egg. Turns out wishing you were a girl does work.

  • 8 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2024

  • Yeah, not talking too much is often a good plan if you want to keep things simple :)

    Plus, stuff like nail art of course isn’t exclusively feminine. If I go out with (very) light makeup, in women’s jeans and painted nails, internally I’ll be overflowing with girl stuff euphoria, but to everyone else I’m just some dude. Since my body shape, face and hair aren’t remotely feminine (yet!), there’s not really much to code “woman”. I think I’d have to wear a dress and full-on eyeliner for anyone to notice.

  • Good advice.

    Painting my nails was the first remotely fem-presenting thing I did (other than shaving!). Very few people even noticed. One of the people I work with, after I came out, said I just looked a bit more stylish than usual. The biggest response I got was paying at my local where the owner knows me well – “oh, you’ve painted your nails” / “yup”. And that was it.

    Having said that, I don’t have nearly enough courage to go to a salon or anything yet! Let us know how it goes!

  • I decided to not worry about labels and instead figure out what I want. Who cares whether I’m Really Trans™ if I get to have a feminine body – and that’s something (if I’m honest) I’ve wanted so much since… well, as long as I can remember. Do I feel like a woman? Eh, who knows. I certainly never felt much like a man. Or a human, come to that.

    And sure, some days I don’t want to look at my dysphoria-inducing face practicing makeup, or listen to my dysphoria-inducing voice doing training, and that’s fine. Put on some androgynous clothes, cuddle up with Blåhaj and Trust the Process while I watch a film or something. More often than not I end up wanting to do something girly anyway after a while.

    And some days, when I get the tuck just right, and my hair isn’t too bad, and I’ve got on some nice tight jeans and a cute sweater, I think: “do I want to be a trans woman?”. And the answer is hell, yeah.

  • Nowhere near as fast as you, but things I’ve noticed so far (from my notes):

    • Day 5: reduced BO (why is this never on the charts?), reduced spontaneous erections, libido gone
    • Day 10: swollen nipples
    • Day 18: definite buds
    • Day 24: semi-clear, low volume emission

    I had quite pronounced man-boobs already, so it’s hard to tell about breast growth, but I’ve been losing significant amounts of fat everywhere else and I think they might be a bit more prominent than they were.

    Not really noticed stronger emotions or anything like that yet, although I am quite a bit calmer / happier. That could just be because I’m facing the right direction now though!

    I’ve wondered about Klinefelter too (didn’t have much of a beard until well into my 30s, for example) - will find out next month when I get my test results back.

  • I guess I’ve been having thoughts of “if I was a girl…” or “if I was trans…” for as long as I can remember. Definitely had a few times of “please let me wake up as a girl tomorrow” when I was 12/13 or so, but I got quite good a suppressing that. The “if…” thoughts were fine, of course, since I clearly wasn’t trans or a girl…

    Fast forward to about six weeks before my 40th birthday; following quite a few trans women online and starting to question my gender. But since I’m perfectly happy being cis, that’s fine, no problem. I’ll be an Ally.

    Two weeks or so pass, start looking at egg_irl. A day or two later, everything comes crashing down and it’s panic time. That lasts a few days and now I know: I’m a trans girl, and I want to transition. Came out to my family, started growing my hair, painting my nails, buying neutral-to-fem clothes etc. Stopped wearing obviously masc-coded stuff pretty much right away (even when going out). Made appointments for laser and HRT consultation.

    About six weeks later, research indicates the doctor is probably going to make me wait 6 months to a year for HRT, so I order DIY. That arrives two weeks later (yesterday), and here we are.

    Not using new pronouns or name yet, but I feel that might happen fairly soon.