Why not contributing the guides on ifixit and just keeping local copies? You can at least save a pdf copy?
How often will your internet go out? You could also cosnider an archiving solution for visited pages. Archivebox comes to mind.
Why not contributing the guides on ifixit and just keeping local copies? You can at least save a pdf copy?
How often will your internet go out? You could also cosnider an archiving solution for visited pages. Archivebox comes to mind.
Was? Das sind im Schnitt ca 7 Blitze pro Sekunde, heftig!
Take a look at pocketbook devices. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/PocketBook_International
Wholeheartedly agree, since we are talking about societal measures.
Men’s health. Naw.
Why? https://xkcd.com/386/ You know other people might read this and think they can live and prosper only with potatoes and beans. And to be honest, that’s not good advice, which I assume you also don’t live by.
But I agree, let’s chill, it’s really too hot.
You are right, it is possible for an individual.
But this is not about an individual but about a society. Poor people will be less likely to achieve this diet. (Less time, more stress, less education).
You are already aware of my counter argument, great. Also it’s for 60 days only and a publicity stunt. That’s not really shattering my knowledge about nutrition.
So you’re saying for Europe is possible?
I do not agree that it is more expensive than owning a car “in principle”. Cars are very expensive. You have to buy and maintain them.
Wether or not a taxi is more expensive will depend heavily on the amount and length of trips you have to take.
Also, for me it is not entirely a separate issue. Car dependent societies will alway have issues for people that cannot drive a car (children, elderly, disabled people). The real solution ist building infrastructure that is inclusive for all. This will also improve support structures. Self driving cars don’t solve any of these issues.
Not every old person has someone who would help them with that. May not be your experience, but it’s true nevertheless.
Nevermind that it’s not a solution for people who can’t get into a car (people in wheelchairs for example).
A self driving car then basically offers the same service as a taxi. And with a taxi you do not have to take care of the car (repairs, registration, etc).
You can assure me how?
Aside from nutritional value it’s not really feasible for the whole world to only eat potatoes, beans and a bit of green stuff. They will not grow everywhere in sufficient quantities.
Be noted that I am not advocating eating meat is necessary or healthy the way we do it currently. I was just explaining that you did not read the article carefully.
Cool, macht es bitte so gut wie möglich, die Bahn braucht das 🙂
If you’re over 65 I don’t think actually driving is the only thing stopping you from getting around. Imagine your grandparents with a VCR and then imagine them using on of them “Google thingies” to control a car.
The article already mentions “or a vegetarian equivalent”. Being vegetarian also means you have to have a balanced diet. That’s not easy when you’re poor.
Danke, bist du da persönlich involviert?
Oh I forgot radioactive paint
Examples from the past/present:
Wenn die CxU liefert und nicht Laschet, dann lass ich mich auf das Argument ein. Sieht aber bisher nicht danach aus.
Liegt halt in der Natur des Menschen. Manipulation funktioniert, weil wir Menschen nunmal gewisse psychologische Muster haben in die wir fallen, weil unsere Köpfe so gebaut wurden.
Da raus zu kommen benötigt halt echt kognitive Anstrengung. Ich mag das Bild von waitbutwhy vom “higher mind” und “primitive mind”. Es erklärt das alles ziemlich gut, aber um ehrlich zu sein ist das nur ein kleiner Trost…
Ich gehe davon aus dass du Recht hast dass das viele so empfinden…aber ich komme halt immer zu dem Schluss dass das ja nicht die Realität ist, dass das viel von Meinungsmache bestimmt wird (Bild, CXU, FDP). Wie soll man denn damit umgehen wenn sich so viele bei so wichtigen Entscheidungen ausschließlich von ihren Gefühlen leiten lassen?
Ich fühle mich ja auch von den Grünen verarscht, aber alles andere ist ja quasi direkt auf dem Level von geplanter Apokalypse…
Definitely awesome, thanks!