Chemists from 1925 in 1960… I don’t remember always having this much cancer… Or reduced lung function.
Chemists from 1925 in 1960… I don’t remember always having this much cancer… Or reduced lung function.
I was sooo excited when I saw a bugsnax thumbnail.
But yeah this sucks. I can just see people complaining that the studio let them down for something that never existed in the first place.
My partner tried to play…
But sadly they struggle with that"platforming" mostly Brittle Hollow
A YouTuber by the name of Kikoskia. Just started
I have previously really enjoyed a play through by a YouTuber by the name of Welomz which is long complete.
Let me know if you try either
My favourite lets player has finally picked this up. I will neverbe able to experience it fresh ever again… So watching others is the closest I’ll ever get.
What on earth is that thumbnail.
NV ate soooo much of my life when it launched.
I’d never played a fallout game before… but my local supermarket was selling it cheap as part of an offer with other games I was buying anyway. And I was thinking this games just launched and I’m picking it up for next and nothing.! Sweet.
Took a while for it to click with me. But once it did… Oof. Looking back. I think if I’d have discovered the maze of repcon any earlier than I did I might have give up.