I see what you did there 😉
I see what you did there 😉
Yea, but forza is released by Microsoft, which’s American
Starlings are Hidden gems of nature; people don’t appreciate their beauty, probably because they’re common
Let’s hope that the movement really keeps on gaining momentum. I’m worried that we represent a small minority, and that ppl outside of reddit and lemmy aren’t willing to actually switch to european;
I am also worried, because many people genuinely believe that Trump is the good guy who will cure the evil LGBTQ Ideology and that this will somehow benefit their lives (spoiler alert: it won’t)
Also even ppl who know that they should do this might be unwilling, because of the simple fact that most of the non-US alternatives are worse (as of now) and have less users (as of now), and also 'cause laziness (and associated with it belief that the consequences won’t reach them)
Well, I won’t stop seeking alternatives and We should be doing everything we can (which includes explaining the cause to other people). Let’s keep that in mind, because it is only an argument for being stronger, not for giving up
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing
I didn’t know kofola had so many variants!
Yikes 😬
Lovely movie, truly a triumph of Blender, showcasing that free, open-source software can compete with paid-alternatives!
Love to all creators and supporters of this movie, you’ve done an amazing job!
Yeah, sounds like a title to a recipe 😆
What’s with this thumbnail? 😆
From what I read the reversal is not a 100% guarantee