If you have flexible work times you can usually schedule your bike ride to avoid the rain. Rain radar helps tremendously. I am currently in the Netherlands and had to use rain protection clothes a maximum of 10 times in 2 years.
If you have flexible work times you can usually schedule your bike ride to avoid the rain. Rain radar helps tremendously. I am currently in the Netherlands and had to use rain protection clothes a maximum of 10 times in 2 years.
I have seen people ride a bike with an umbrella in their hands. For the less adventureous there are rain jackets and rain trousers.
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“Einkommen die wesentliche Motivation” linkt auf https://www.agrarheute.com/management/betriebsfuehrung/biobauern-mieses-jahr-erloese-stagnieren-einkommen-schrumpfen-606789
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Auf die Schnelle habe ich die hier aus 2015 gefunden:
Abwanderung.ist.kein.monokausaler.Prozess…Das.zeigt. sich.schon.daran,.dass.die.Befragten.im.Durchschnitt. drei.Gründe.angeben,.die.für.die.Auswanderungsent- scheidung.ausschlaggebend.waren…Nur.13,4.Prozent. nennen.lediglich.einen.Grund.und.24,1.Prozent.zwei. Gründe…Bei.28,1.Prozent.der.Befragten.sind.es.dage- gen.drei.Gründe,.und.34,3.Prozent.nennen.vier.oder. mehr.Gründe.
“Einkommen und Lebensstandard” ist auf Platz 4 mit 46,9%. Beruf auf Platz 2 mit 66.9%.
They looked at the last projection and compared it to this one. Survey journalism can get annoying.
It is still a shift to the right from the current parliament. The green block will lose substantially and the social democrats as well. Only the left slightly gains some seats in the current projection.
Vor allem als junger Mann; von denen wirken viele orientierungslos.
Schau mal nach Thüringen, also unabhängig davon, dass die Linke angeblich so ein großes Übel wie die AfD wäre.
Das stimmt doch schlicht nicht, wo hat man denn Probleme mit einem MINT Studienabschluss Jobs zu finden? Wir haben die beste Arbeitsmarktsituation seit Ewigkeiten auf Arbeitnehmerseite.
Yeah, apart from transportation it is really the easiest way to have a personal impact on carbon dioxide emissions. If you rent, you can’t exchange your heating system, if you use electricity you have no impact on where it comes from and so on.
Moving the goalpost much? First it is not the consumers fault, then it is too expensive and now you do not even have time to cook?
It was the historical reason for this rule, yes. In the time people eating pig meat were getting sick, so they put a rule into their religion as a countermeasure.
What about vegetables? If you are talking about plant proteins with not a lot of carbs go for TVP or vegan protein powders.
Which is more of a problem with the expensive methods, that are used right now. With CRISPR there would be a market for other viable mutations, which are not patented.
Even more reason to legalize precise gene editing. It’s cheaper than the other two methods, because you don’t need years to create something usable. Cheaper means more companies can play around with it, creating more competition and probably better results, not just better resistance to the pesticide the same company sells.
CRISPR is actually much cheaper than the methods used now, so there could be more participants in the market.
Man bekommt am Ende mehr Geld raus, aber verdient weniger Netto pro Stunde, weil die Mehrarbeit höher versteuert wird.
Wäre auch interessant zu sehen, ob man nicht eventuell in andere Steuerregionen rutscht und dadurch einen noch niedrigeren Nettostundenlohn hat.
You mean being in need of green energy as soon as possible? I don’t see nuclear helping short term.
While renewables get build without subsidies, because they pay off anyway.
More parties unfortunately does not fix the problem, as you can see by the rise of fascists in nearly all democracies worldwide.