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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Villifying plants is on the nonsensical agenda as well (i.e. making mountains out of molehills over soy/phytoestrogens). But Tofu and other soybean foods have been staples across a huge chunk of East Asia for centuries and nobody’s been worse off for it (besides unlucky allergies). Funny enough, East Asia also has a few niche recipes for cooking bugs, and since my parents are from South Korea I occasionally ate steamed silkworm pupae as a kid (they sell them here in cans as 번데기/beondegi). The weird earthy taste and general phobia of creepy crawlies is the reason it’s not too popular nowadays. I wasn’t a huge fan myself but I do see bug meat as a potential resource.

    So it’s just the usual fearmongering over made-up problems. Plant protein is good, bug protein has existed as something I wouldn’t mind if it tastes alright, and the meat industry’s going to lobby for more subsidies and thrive regardless of what happens.

  • Now you’ve convinced me! I really ought to have been the bigger man when my mom called me in the middle of the night to tell me that Trump’s a martyr like Jesus and that the Democrats are performing demonic baby-eating rituals inside underground tunnels, and just let her keep screaming about me being a brainwashed woke communist because we just have little differences and we all need to get along.

    Haha, nope. I want scorched earth on every one of those conspiracy nut fuckers holding right-wing parties around the balls, since they went after my family with their brainrot. I don’t give a shit that a handful of people exist who don’t explicitly support Jewish Space Laser Marge or Venmo Bribes Clarence, because y’all still vote lock step to keep these crazy loons around because Roe v. Wade is worth killing for $300 extra on next year’s tax return.

  • You mean rejecting both popular and representative democracy by attempting to kidnap and execute Congress?

    This isn’t some event in 1850 that you can pretend was about state’s rights or some bullshit like that, since you dumbasses recorded the event and voiced the motives yourselves. There wasn’t any goal of making America a better place to live, just pure spite to punish everyone who said no to an openly shitty demagogue. Fuckin’ pathetic.

  • The distinction between anti-Semitism and anti-Israeli nationalism needs to be clarified more often.

    I respect Jewish people’s right to peacefully practice their religion. (Though I disagree with all organized religions for their seemingly intrinsic capacity for inflicting harm by providing a haven for opportunistic demagogues and predators). I do not respect the Israeli military and police blowing up and beating Palestinian children to death, or ordinary people who say that violence is neceasary because they want more land.

    There’s plenty of crazy people who think the other way, calling the religion unacceptable but embracing the nationalists who make human piñatas.

  • I got banned off /r/politics because of an article about a Fox News reporter who was caught lying about the election and inciting viewers to commit revolution (i.e. treason and assassination). I commented that he should stuff it up his ass, and got kicked for “death threats.”

    Mod was probably a powertripping wingnut masquerading as an independent. “Centrists” who coddle and defend the fascists are no less fascist themselves, and if that hurts their feelings then I have some nice horse paste for them to cry into.

  • Commies speedrun civilization suicide because the government hoards all the money and let the workers starve.

    Nazis drag out the process because capitalism incentivizes work (until it doesn’t, e.g. LSC) and maximizing suffering for outgroups gets them off, but eventually their anti-intellectual groupthink hits critical mass and they unalive themselves in some colossally stupid fashion while claiming germs aren’t real and that they totally didn’t get scammed out of their life savings because Lord Donald told them to.