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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • There is no justification for the shooting. Failure to follow orders and shouting obscenities, even while carrying a weapon, doesn’t justify murder by police. This is another case of their blatant incompetence/malice when dealing with any tense situation.

    In a just society, a cops job would be able to de-escalate and resolve the problem as cleanly as possible and with as little use of violence as possible. We don’t live in a just society though, so the cops just shot him and lied saying he aimed a gun at them to justify their murder. Meanwhile, white mass shooters are taken alive and given Burger King for their effort if they hurt the right people.

  • I’d love to see any evidence of TikTok acting on behalf of any country (especially China) as a hostile actor, or even any evidence of legitimate election interference. If anything banning TikTok is a significantly more hostile response from the US since it silences another forum for free speech.

    Social media is a cancer, but this ban is such obvious propaganda. The only reason TikTok was banned because the US government doesn’t have free reign to spy on its users like it does with Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc.

    If the US government truly cared about social media and it’s affects they would be regulating all of it. Instead they’re trying to ban TikTok while screaming their heads off about China every chance they get. And that’s before mentioning the extremely shady way they passed this; attaching it as a rider through a government ‘aid’ bill.

  • Its because the company literally paid shills to stump for them in person, call Congress, etc.

    The way it was presented was that they paid average users to call Congress which is disingenuous. I’ll admit I was wrong when I came to the influencers being paid for in person events, but that’s only a smaller group of people and events. The vast majority were not paid and did so of their own volition.

    Edit: Didn’t realize OP and the replier were different people. That’s also on me.

  • literally paid shills

    No *one outside of some influencers were paid lmao. People contacted Congress but they weren’t paid, and a quick Google search brought up zero result of people being paid *outside of the influencers. So I’d love to see where you’re sourcing this from.

    Edit: Correction - about 30 influencers were paid to visit events for Tik Tok. I’ll rescind saying that literally no one was paid: that’s point is wrong. My main point was that average users weren’t paid to call into Congress. And the vast majority that called in or have talked out against the ban did so of their own volition rather than being paid as implied by OP’s comment

  • I’m actively watching the rights of my loved one literally be stripped away while Biden does fuck all. You can call me whatever you want, but the point remains that Biden has done fuck all and is actively promoting genocide.

    You don’t know the first thing about me; so don’t condescend to me while ignoring everything else I’ve said.

  • SphereofWreckening@ttrpg.networkto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule
    4 months ago

    Yes, it is still objectively right. Anyone deciding not to vote for Biden isn’t automatically culpable for any Trump victory unless they voted for him personally.

    Again, Biden has had plenty of time to prove that he’s against genocide. To take any sort of major action to try and stop this genocide from continuing the way that it has. Or at the very least taking away all US military funding from Israel. He has done none of that while approving additional military funding for Israel.

    This is of course before bringing up the electoral college and how the majority of states don’t even get a say in the presidential election outside of their states predetermined answer.

    I will not vote for anyone funding genocide. Again, if Trump wins that’s entirely on Biden and the Democrats for failing to do anything. The signs have been here for months if not years in terms of voter disatisfaction: and they continue to do fuck all.

  • I wouldn’t water opposing genocide down to “ideological purity”. It’s opposing genocide, and that’s objectively right every time.

    And that’s before getting into Joe’s inaction on pretty much any important issues during his term. If Trump wins the 2024 election then outside of the GOP that’s entirely on Joe Biden for failing to oppose genocide and run any sort of compelling administration.

  • SphereofWreckening@ttrpg.networkto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule
    4 months ago

    That Christian Nationalist USA is already present. It’s emboldening is inevitable due to the inaction from Democrats and especially Biden: the alleged “moderate” president.

    Biden is also actively arming a genocide in Gaza. A move I would say is extremely far from moderate in any position. Trump is a horrible choice for president. It was true in 2016 and it’s true now. But if Biden refuses to do even the barest of minimums to defeat him in an election what does that say about Biden?

    So sure, call it smugness, call it idiotic or whatever bullshit; continue to vilify those tired of voting for bullshit candidates and inaction. I’m sure that will help prove your point; as Biden does literally nothing to combat any of increasingly tense situations rising in the US under his tenure.