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Joined 23 days ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2024

  • All right for starters, lazyness doesn’t exist he was exactly right there. I mostly here this idea from other leftists. If you were a farmer and planted a bunch of seeds and some of those seeds never grew you wouldn’t say they’re lazy seeds You’d Stay their environment sucked and work on changing the soil or plant different seeds suited to that environment.

    People are the same way as seeds. Our behavior changes based on environment. we are constantly ashamed for being lazy for not wanting to work that’s not true, the environment just sucks ie the soil should be worked on, we should blame the farmers(ie the wealthy and powerful, those with real agency) not the seeds (working class people with less agency like you and me).

    The only way these people whether it be the wealthy or politicians maintain power over so many of us is by somehow tricking us into prioritizing their wants and needs over our own. No evil empire exists in a star of wide spread selfish anarchy. For something like that to exist you need tons of people in that Empire who will prioritize it over themselves. The over whelmingly vast majority of not all people who are under the boot of capitalism and imperialism would be better off without it and it is in their own self-interest to pursue getting it the fuck off of them. That’s a selfishness I can get behind.

    The best motivated to get people active politically is to promote their own selfish interest. Shaming people into voting for someone they don’t want to doesn’t work. For example Hillary Clinton in 2016. You have to get your base excited for things that are in their own selfish interest.

    I think there might also be a point of miscommunication. I’m not saying caring about the interests of others is bad in fact I think we are our best when we look after others but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t pursue our own selfish interest as well. For example I’m not affected directly by the genocide and cause of but I yell people about it almost every day not sure if I’m helping but I’m trying. At the same time it is very much in my personal self-interest to change how housing is done in the US. I will pursue that very selfishly.

    Does that help?

  • Have you considered that? Maybe the amount of attention Americans give the presidential election is many times more than any other election? Do you think Americans are more likely to know the current president and who they ran against In the last election than their own senator? Or their own member of the House of reps?

    Do you think that might affect things?

    Be serious my dude

  • Bernie would definitely outperform Biden. This is just a fact. Left-Wing candidates do better with higher voter turnout. They get higher voter turnout when people are actually excited about the person they’re voting for, especially young people. Young people hate Biden. You can see this from all the protests about the genocide and Palestine he’s enabling. Will have low voter turnout compared to Bernie. Biden might lose the election giving us Trump again.

    Don’t mean to tell you what you already know a stranger. Just saw you being gaslit and wanted you to know that you’re not crazy 👈😎

  • StinkySocialist@lemmy.mltoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldUseful idiot
    1 day ago

    I did participate in the primary process. I voted in every primary and election since I turned 18. I’m also not young.

    I hate how liberals think that they know politics because they’re used to arguing with Republicans. Republicans are so dumb and separated from reality that you can say almost anything and be more correct than them. So liberals think that they’re smart. And they never bother to learn they’re only a little less ignorant than Republicans.

    Say what you will about marat. At least he participated in the French revolution and I for what he believed in. If you don’t see his writing his labor, I fear that’s because you’re too uneducated to know how hard writing that much can be. Makes total sense to me. You’d characterize him as lazy because he had chronic illness. Seems like you’re used to looking down on people less privileged than you.

  • StinkySocialist@lemmy.mltoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldYep
    2 days ago

    I’m not going to vote for Trump. If my state were a swing state, I’d vote for Biden. I’m going to work on getting us a third option with my vote since im not in a swing state.

    !you don’t get to say both choices suck,!<

    What’s the point of this whole democracy thing if I can’t even say my piece? Like what are we defending if we’re just going to get in line and shut up anyway?

    Anyways the two parties are still basically the same. We deserve an actual left wing party.

  • StinkySocialist@lemmy.mltoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldUseful idiot
    2 days ago

    Leftists: you’re running a corpse that’s committing a genocide that tons of tons of younger voters are actually protesting against. Also no Democrats only when elections when voter turnout is high. We should run a more likable candidate so we don’t lose to the fascist?

    Liberals(the scratch a liberal a fascist bleeds kind): That’s accelerationism! you want Trump to win. This isn’t like 2016 all over again but also Running Hillary was the right decision. People just voted wrong. 🤡

    If Biden stays in and Trump wins, I just want you to know you’re the useful idiot fuck you.

  • StinkySocialist@lemmy.mltoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldYep
    2 days ago

    Sure. They both benefit from the same situation. Both benefit from the weird electoral system the states have and they both benefit by being one of only two parties. Infact they are almost completely dependent on each other. Once Republican Democrat politicians realized they could get elected by getting people afraid of the opposition instead of excited for their candidate they’ve had this country voting for the lesser of two evils ever since. 🤷

    Both options suck, but the Democrats are slightly better than the Republicans. They both get paid by the same people and they both push forward the same agenda. For example, probably the most left-wing policy we’ve had come out of our countries. Federal government in a long time is Obamacare. But Obamacare was actually thought up by a right-wing think tank called the heritage foundation. It’s a Republican idea that works as bad as other Republican ideas but because it was put forward by a Democrat because who’s going to defend it? The real solution is single-payer universal healthcare like any other non-backwards ass country has. But the Democrats being controlled opposition put Obamacare there instead.

    Hope that helps you understand where other people are coming from. 👈😎 I find the short form memes like that used to strip away. Nuance and “trigger” those who disagree with you to be a very trumpet esque style of memeing.