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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 13th, 2024


  • Ah ok. Yes, these people are being unpatriotic to the US by wanting to secede from the US. But many Texans are more patriotic towards Texas than the US. But it’s just because there’s a Democrat president. When their believed cheetoh jeezus was in office, no one in TX was trying to secede & it was all “USA USA!!!” I lived in Texas for 40 years & they bring up seceding every few years when they don’t like the president. It’s really stupid & will never actually happen.

  • Yes, that’s exactly what these asshats are. Texas, not USA, is the “country” they’re nationalist about. That’s why they call themselves Texas Nationalists not nationalist Texans. A bunch of them are actually nationalist Texans too but they’re too dumb to see the contradiction. Just like they’re too dumb to see the contradiction when flying a US flag & a confederate flag together. They’re not the sharpest tools in the shed; they’d literally shoot off their own feet if they thought it might pwn the libs.

  • This is an interesting question. My husband is my ONE. Wherever he is, that’s home. We are absolutely best friends & more. We share absolutely everything & neither of us ever have to worry about the other one waking up one day & deciding to move on without the other.

    I realize I’m lucky. Not every relationship is anywhere close to that. I was married before & lived with others… And I thought the “one true love” stuff & long-term monogamy was complete BS until he & I got together.

    But not everyone wants the kind of relationship we have & that’s fine too. I have plenty of independent & awesome friends who have great friends, great lives, great hobbies; they adventure, travel, are fulfilled, etc etc all without an SO. Others who are in great relationships but are much more prone to doing things separately, and that’s what works for them.

    So maybe if you don’t have that drive to find that relationship, maybe it’s not for you or maybe you just haven’t met the right kind of person yet. Your SO relationship can ultimately be whatever you want it to be, provided you find a partner agreeable with it. Best wishes either way!