0..9999999 | Where-Object { Test-ValidTaxReturn $_ } | Select-Object -First 1
0..9999999 | Where-Object { Test-ValidTaxReturn $_ } | Select-Object -First 1
Bing has done well for me
Infinite rare fish sounds like a modded skyblock resource generation system
Github boards https://youtu.be/WgV6M1LyfNY?si=oOOi8yGn3Tik9djk
Watchdog process detected that I was too risky to be allowed to remain in the sim
Probably better off just reading https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_common_misconceptions More concise
If you want something specific to work towards - build a personal website. Buy a domain, I use namecheap. Use Github pages to host it. Start simple, single index.html file with your name on it. There’s definitely a YouTube tutorial somewhere. You can learn to style it, or just leave it as-is. You can write a blog, publish recipes, or whatever on it. Plus it can be something you can put on your resume next to your email address
Very neat, thanks for sharing
How about we implement UBI so we can stop pretending this is a good argument? Copyright is a blight on society.
I’m hyped AF, can’t wait till the documentation is a little more mature
A generous interpretation could be that it’s a bad metric because you can train for it
Personally, it sounds like quite a warm environment
+1, has dot env file support so you can commit your rest experiments to your repo without worrying about exposing auth secrets
Interesting, my problems with node are usually in the chaining build systems rather than pulling down dependencies. Tbh I prefer node, what problems have you with it?
Had to use wsl and manually set environment variables to get accelerate and bitsandbytes to work the other day, why can’t pip install just work? Venv is just another layer that conda should be solving, and even that isn’t enough to overcome Python’s craptastic nature
At this point I’m spending more time making mods than playing with them
LaTeX gang