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Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • Tinks@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldIt's Only One Vote
    10 hours ago

    It’s possible your vote might not ultimately be the deciding vote and that your preferred candidates win easily. But many solidly one colored states have flipped, and the first time it happens it’s always close. Why risk it? Most places have a means by which to vote which is easy and accessible - vote by mail and early voting are an option in most places, especially blue states. Generally early voting takes a matter of minutes. Your vote is your voice in politics, don’t you want it to be heard?

    I live in a pretty red state and typically vote very blue. I vote every single election I am able to, because local elections matter too, and when it comes to president, my voice is going to be counted, even if my state sends their electoral votes elsewhere.

  • Honestly, look into the Breeze litter boxes. They’re not automatic or anything crazy expensive, but it really does make a HUGE difference. I’ve been told by multiple strangers “I thought you had a cat?” after being in my house a while because she hides and the box generally cannot be smelled. If you change the pads regularly (i.e. before they are full), replace the pellets 2-3 times a year, and clean the box itself when replacing the pellets, the only smell you will have is from poop. I personally buy the bioplastic dog poop bags in bulk, and just use those to quickly grab and dispose of it.

    When we used regular litter the cats tracked it everywhere, flung it out of the box, and it always had a smell, even when cleaned daily. I have none of those things with the Breeze boxes. We were using two when we had 3 cats and I had to replace the pads every 3 days. Now with one cat I replace the pads every week to two weeks depending on whether she divides her usage or fixates on one. We pick up the poop as soon as we notice it, which is usually very quickly because they can’t really bury it as well. I will never go back to traditional litter.

  • There are reasons why a business might actually need or benefit from having a single family dwelling in a way that aligns with their business. For instance a local theatre company owns two large homes here so that when traveling cast come for shows they have somewhere to house them without spending exorbitantly on hotel rooms for weeks at a time, and the cast get a more comfortable stay. The homes are typically occupied at least a portion of each month, and everyone involved benefits.

    It’s reasons like these I wouldn’t want to put a total and complete ban on businesses owning single family homes, but in my opinion there should be a reasonable business justification for it and it needs to be very limited.

  • I love dogs and think they’re fantastic roommates, but I definitely get where you’re coming from. Most of the negatives of dog ownership can be fixed with proper training, but most people are too damn lazy. I often find myself annoyed by other people’s dogs as well. The only one of your listed problems I have to deal with is the personal space one (Golden retriever), and it’s as simple as saying “Go to your place” to solve/prevent it.

    All that said, no dog, no matter the size or temperament, should EVER be left unattended with a small child, let alone an infant! Even with zero aggression dogs can hurt small children by smothering them or knocking them over. It’s as simple as buying baby gates to prevent it, and I just don’t understand why people let things like this happen :(

  • My husband and I tried so hard to just let our lawn be what it wanted to be. All the clover, dandelions, wild strawberry, wild onion and ginger absolutely took over. In the back, it’s completely fine. We get a lot of brown spots and mud during winter when it dies back, but come spring it’s back to thriving. In our front yard though, enough of it died back that a heavy rain washed a lot of our yard into our driveway. We tried to manage it for a year before giving in.

    So now, our front yard is an ugly but pristine monoculture grass hellscape. The back though is much larger, and still full of the awesome native plant goodness. I know nature is thriving back there because I pretty much cannot use my yard during summer due to the insane amount of bugs. There is a thriving ecosystem with all sorts of wildlife, from bunnies, squirrels and chipmunks to cardinals, robins and owls. Occasionally even a stray fox or mallard can be seen around the creek. And I live in the suburbs of a major metro area, and can hear I-35 from my house. It really is quite remarkable how natural ecosystems can thrive with just a tiny bit of encouragement.

  • Tinks@lemmy.worldtoHouseplants@mander.xyzSucculents
    2 months ago

    I don’t usually water them weekly, I just won’t water them if I think it’s been less than a week. I’d say they probably get watered on average every 2 weeks or so, give or take a week. Sometimes I remember to water them because I’ll notice one starting to get pruny and shriveling a bit. To be honest I have no idea how they’re all alive, much less thriving. I feel like a terrible plant owner, but apparently succulents are just my speed. Every one of them is all bright and vibrant, despite my forgetfulness and neglect.

  • Tinks@lemmy.worldtoHouseplants@mander.xyzSucculents
    2 months ago

    I freakin love succulents! One of the few plants my forgetful self can keep alive and thriving! I don’t even have a watering schedule for them, I just water when I remember and know it’s probably been at least a week? I have a friend that has a house full of plants and loves caring for them who came over last week and marveled at how good my succulents look. Told him the secret is neglect lol.

  • My company is based in CA, and employs me remotely from the Midwest. They pay me above average for my area, but less than they would have to if I lived in the Bay area where they are based. I feel like this works out for both of us! They even go so far as looking at the zip code of every employee when considering raises, and thus far (3 years) I have received an annual raise which is higher than the cost of living increase for my area.

    In my situation at least, me working remotely benefits both myself and my company. I just can’t understand why so many larger companies are so adamant about return to office, especially ones in larger coastal cities.

  • Many of the libraries in my area have all kinds of rental things you can check out! Books, audiobooks, music, video games and movies of course. But they also have a whole tools and homegoods section. Need a weirdly shaped pan for a 1-time birthday cake? Check it out and return it when you’re done. Need a drill to hang shelves in your new apartment? Same thing. It’s pretty awesome. For me personally I love to bake, but I simply do not have room for every type of pan. I only make angelfood cake once a year or so, and those pans are huge. I just use the library one and then I don’t have to store the thing all year!

    If you haven’t been to your local library in years, you should make a trip there. You might be surprised what they have these days!

  • Tinks@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzCome on, science!
    3 months ago

    Dogs can offer fantastic companionship and help keep the elderly active longer. At 80, your mother could still potentially outlive the dog depending on the age/breed and both of their health! I do hope that I live to be 80 and still have a dog. Dogs, like humans, are pretty resilient. They can bounce back from grief and change. Sounds like the dog’s welfare is planned for, so I personally think it’s great! That dog might help give her more years herself!

  • Tinks@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzCome on, science!
    3 months ago

    In my opinion I think it’s important to always have a plan for your pet in case you die, as you never know. I personally have a beneficiary for a portion of my 401k that will get $20k of it and my dog(s) upon my death if my husband isn’t alive at the time. It’s a person I trust and has agreed to take on the responsibility, and care for them the way I would. I know not everyone is able to leave funds for the care of their pet, but having the conversation with friends and loved ones ahead of time to see who could and would take them is important.