• 22 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I get your point. But at the same time the first step to convincing someone of your own opinions isn’t to be an asshole. I’ve known these people since long before Trump was even campaigning for the first time. Is he wrong and kind of an asshole? Yes he is. He used to make fun of me for wearing masks during the pandemic. But at the end of the day we still bullshit and play online video games together all the time and go camping every year.

    I’m not going to be able to change anybody’s opinion by insulting them and making them feel stupid. I’m going to treat them like people. Misguided people, but still people.

  • After over 1,000 hours in that game, I left my negative review a couple years ago and quit forever. The predatory monetization eats away at the fun. Slowly at first, but building up over time. It’s just been bad decision after bad decision since the game came out. You slowly start to realize the game you’ve been playing isn’t even fun anymore and you only play for the new cosmetics for fear of missing out. Daily challenges, weekly challenges, seasons, events, limited time game modes, premium skins, loot boxes, special legendary cosmetics for those that spend the most, vaulting content for a false sense of scarcity and slow progression. And now after all this, the one thing people could get from a one time purchase (if they grind hard enough) is gone. Honestly, I’d leave another negative review if I could.

  • I don’t disagree. I would use public transportation if I could. I do think that it is kinda silly to say electric vehicles will solve everything about climate change when the top 20 corporations produce 80% of pollution. The restructuring of our cities to support these kinds of things is very important as well. I’m just saying that electric vehicles will be a necessary component that we, unfortunately, cannot rule out. Even if everyone had access to public transportation we would still need vehicles. And it would be better to have electric ones.

  • You’d need both, honestly. Electric cars are a great idea in a lot of situations. The problem with electric cars is that countries like the United States will need 300 million or more just to match current car usage because the country is so car dependent. I grew up in a rural area in the US and had to drive 30+ minutes just to get to a grocery store. If I wanted to take public transportation I’d need a ride from someone with a car to get to the station or walk 2+ hours. Not only that, but most cities that are car dependent don’t even have the infrastructure for mass public transportation. They’d have to redesign the entire city just to get anything besides buses. The car dependency is so deeply built into cities that it would cost astronomical amounts of money just to get a basic train system. It’s why most cities just opt for a new bus route.

  • “And not only are we not going to do anything about it, but we are actively seeking new and exciting ways to make the problem worse for the sake of profit.”

    Their researchers say this just days after people were talking about them secretly updating their privacy policy to allow them to steal your shit for AI. I honestly wanna start pirating everything, even the stuff I don’t need to, just because if they can steal my shit without my consent I should be able to steal theirs. At the end of the day they’re the ones making money off of stealing but I’m the bad guy?

  • When it comes to protesting like this I don’t really give a shit if someone paints over parts of a building. But the books themselves? That’s just fucked up. I understand they are trying to get people pissed over this but this is entirely the wrong way to do it. All this will do is make everyone pissed off at you instead. I’d say a good rule of thumb for protest graffiti is whether or not it can still be used after it’s been covered in paint. Graffiti on a wall doesn’t make the wall unusable. But if someone put graffiti on the windshield of my car I’d be so pissed off I wouldn’t give two shits about the message.