• 21 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Given that that party has contributed absolutely nothing but lies and murderers.

    It contributes a bunch of patronage, both through the private sector via tax cuts and federal contracts and “faith based initiative” spending and via the public sector through our enormous national security state and attendant bureaucracy.

    I don’t think it can be overstated how much something like the invasion of Iraq or the War on Drugs or the Bush-Era bank bailout or the GOP war on renewable energy has profited both the big corporate interests and the hundreds of thousands of scammy small business shits plugged into the public money spigot.

    And that’s before you get into the social mobilization provided by the party. Religious organizations and white nationalist groups generally like the GOP because the GOP promotes, defends, and finances their own socio-economic goals. The airforce is swarming with Christian fundamentalists while the army and marines churn out a steady supply of future chud police officers to do the dirty work of suppressing minorities in big urban settings. The tech industry is flush with white nationalism in large part because it trades money and talent with the NSA, the CIA, and the FBI - themselves hot-houses of right-wing social and religious sentiments. Anti-union activists, anti-environmentalists, and anti-DEI/Civil Rights organizers all adore the GOP, because they enable continued socio-economic domination nationally.

    To say the party just supplies a few lies and the occasional bloody war drastically diminishes what the party does at the national, state, and local levels. Modern white nationalism can’t exist without an ally in the Republican Party. Modern evangelical christianity can’t propagate without the endless pogroms and inquisitions conservatives inflict on schools and colleges. Modern extractive corporate interests can’t reliably generate bigger profits without the cycles of deregulation and eminent domain land seizures perpetuated by Republican state and national leaders.

    None of this shit works without the GOP.

  • I’m not saying that the persecution against Falung Gong is fake, actually I believe is true, violence against minorities is another Wednesday for the CCP

    The Falun Gong was originally an ally of the CCP as recently as 1993. They had a falling out when some of their chief leadership got caught in a string of financial scandals and abuse allegations. Attempts by the state to begin prosecuting church leaders triggered an outcry from the membership, which prompted more arrests and more efforts hide the organizations money, and finally a wholesale exodus from the country by its most devoted members.

    Falun Gong leadership arrived in the US and immediately began churning out anti-China spin, with the help of the Epoch Times - an originally Chinese-only paper primarily distributed in Chinese ex-pat communities by church refugees. If you get into the history of the Epoch Times, you should very quickly discover that it is not a reliable source of information.

    Which isn’t to say China’s been great wrt religious freedom or free association. But the modern incarnation of Falun Gong has more in common with Scientology than, say, Mormonism or Baháʼí. You’re going to fall down some really QAnon-themed rabbit holes if you take everything their community is saying at face value.

  • At least the peasants rebelled every once in a while when the lords fucked them over too much.

    What do you think the anti-war protests, BLM marches, and Palestinian rights sit-ins were about?

    Can’t count the times a popular movement erupts onto the streets and a Democratic Mayor or Governor starts ringing the big “Call in the SWAT teams!” alarm bell to snuff it out.

  • In a potential future where Democrats own 100% of the senate

    it’s also possible for third party candidates to make progress in elections

    Once Democrats control 100% of the Senate, we can finally run a Green Party candidate in the brightest blue state who will lose to the incumbent Democrat 40/60 instead of 5/42/57. But not one minute before! You don’t want to risk a Republican winning in Massachusetts, New York, Minnesota, or California, do you?!

  • Oh, you want me to vote to stop fascism?

    The real joke of the Democratic Party is running Coal Baron Joe Manchin to replace former KKK member Robert Byrd, on the grounds that only these two people can keep the US Senate free of fascism.

    Meanwhile, you’ve got guys like Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley glad-handing J6ers minutes before they storm the capital, and Biden’s AG just kinda shrugs and says “Nothin’ we can do! There’s not a single law on the books that makes conspiring to overthrow the federal government illegal.”

  • Democrats have had control of house, senate, white house exactly 4 months of the last 44 years.

    Democrats: “We only have 60 votes in the Senate! That’s not enough to pass anything!”

    Republicans: “The Senate minority will filibuster the debt ceiling bill unless you extend the Bush tax cuts, double border spending, and add birth control pills to the Schedule I drug registry.”