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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • When we had cats, I made sure that they were spayed and neutered. But they’re not good for the bird population. They should be kept indoors, not to mention how easily they catch fleas. It had gotten to the point that none of the over the counter solutions worked, and you need to take out a small loan to afford to properly treat them.

  • Unfettered? No. Feral cats often aren’t cared for and live suffering lives. They have significantly shorter lives. They’re domesticated animals and aren’t suited to life in the wild. We bred that out of them. They fare better than dogs, but they deserve better.

    I just buried one that some asshole dropped off near my house. My dog doesn’t do well with cats and I found them scrapping in the yard. I pulled them apart, literally the cat had several claws stuck in my dog’s face. I went out a few times to make sure that it was ok. After about 20 minutes it was gone. Three days later I go out to see my dog barking at the road. It seemed like the cat was back. Either running away from my dog or distracted by her, it lay dead in the road. It has been run over by a car or a truck. Blood everywhere. I put my dog in the house and scooped it up into a bucket and buried it with my shovel.

    This wasn’t just some feral cat. It was friendly and had known the love of people. Unfortunately, that love wasn’t enough to do what was right. It deserved better. This happened about a month ago and it still bothers me.

    Get your pets spayed and neutered. If you can’t afford to house the results of your irresponsibility, then at least do right by them, and make sure they go to loving homes, instead of dumping them off at someone’s farmhouse in the country.

  • So let’s say, hypothetically.

    The president thought that people shouldn’t eat chocolate ice cream. It’s anti-american.

    And “for the good of the country” anyone who eats chocolate ice cream has to be isolated from the rest of society.

    That’s not an official act. It’s not really on the periphery of official acts.

    But because definitionally, anything that, at the president’s sole discretion, is “in the best interest of the United States” is now argued as an official act.

    Biden likes vanilla ice cream.
    But he isn’t going to detain you for unamerican activities if you prefer chocolate ice cream.

    Choose freedom! Choose chocolate ice cream!

  • So let’s say, hypothetically.

    The president thought that people shouldn’t eat chocolate ice cream. It’s anti-american.

    And “for the good of the country” anyone who eats chocolate ice cream has to be isolated from the rest of society.

    That’s not an official act. It’s not really on the periphery of official acts.

    But because definitionally anything that, at the president’s sole discretion, is “in the best interest of the United States” is now argued as an official act.

    Biden likes vanilla ice cream.
    But he isn’t going to detain you for unamerican activities if you prefer chocolate ice cream.

    Choose freedom! Choose chocolate ice cream!