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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2023


  • Man if you think the only people I talk to are people on lemmygrad, you’re absolutely braindead. This is some next-level mental gymnastics to assume that I interact with nobody outside of this platform. Literally uninstall and go touch grass. You clearly don’t need mental stimulation so you could even go buy a little patch of cat grass to pet while you sit in time out like for being a bad, stupid baby who pouts when they don’t get their treats.

    Seriously though, it’s kinda pathetic to flaunt your degredation kink on your main account. I would normally imagine you were doing that on purpose, but I don’t think you have them mental faculties necessary to plan out a singular action, so I’ll be kind. Venmo me whenever your mom gives you your allowance, no rush.

  • Jesus FUCKING Christ when will you stupid fucks move into the modern era

    Like fucking Cox in Oklahoma STILL uses fucking ipv4 and they have had problems with issuing duplicate addresses for over a fucking DECADE

    That is fucking pathetic. Fuck Cox’s neanderthal leadership and fuck them for thinking that your service going down for 30 minutes EVERY DAY is fucking acceptable. Plus, their servicemen are straight untrained garbage.

    In comparison, I used ATT fiber for a while and it was perfect, and used ipv6 natively, as well as had an easier install, and allows for port forwarding. We need to do what China has and start executing these clowns who have wasted literal trillions of subsidies on twiddling their thumbs and gouging customers who have no other choice but to deal with their bullshit.

  • I had a mental breakdown a while ago because I was in denial of my gender identity. I…can’t remember much of it, but it wasn’t great, according to my loved ones. I’m ashamed of it and I wish I could do anything that I felt would properly apologize to them but I’m sure it traumatized many of them, as I’ve done in the past. Before I blacked out, I can remember that mandalas would appear on surfaces my mind wanted me to focus on, twisting and seething with an entrancing psychedelic energy that forced me to focus on that task. I’ve never experienced terror more complete than losing control of both my body and mind, and I’ve almost been trampled in a human stampede, blocking people from trampling others and picking up fallen children off the ground. Life is better now that I have estrogen in my system, but I imagine it would be intolerable otherwise. I hope I can forgive myself one day. I have therapy soon, so that will help a lot.