Direct Link to IGN , so you don’t have to go through xitter.
Direct Link to IGN , so you don’t have to go through xitter.
KDE Connect is also available through Google Play and most likely signed with a different key as the F-Droid Version. Since Play Protect checks the App signatures, it probably detected this discrepancy and determined the App was fake. Not really an Assholedesign as this is a valid concern if a normal user downloads an app from the internet.
Yeah, the reason why Valve can do that is that they are not a publicly traded company but a privately owned one. Gabe Newell doesn’t have a fiduciary duty to any shareholders, so they don’t have to squeeze every penny from their users or abuse their quasi monopoly.
Good old Firday, all praise the almighty fir tree.
I wouldn’t say they are user unfriendly, just not fit for beginners. There are definite advantages to those distros for advanced users, as they offer way more customisation than beginner friendly distros.
Hier mal was von der AOK dazu: Hier
Ist anscheinend Pflicht für Arbeitgeber. Bezahlung kriegt du wie in Krankheit, da man während der Wiedereingliederung weiterhin krankgeschrieben ist, also weiter das Krankengeld.
Wenn das ganze dich betrifft ruf einfach mal bei deiner Krankenkasse an, die sollten sich da auskennen.
EDIT: Wiedereingliederung kann man beantragen, sobald man Krankengeld bekommt, also ab der 7. Krankheitswoche.