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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • That “booming” economy is a straight line on any chart from 2010 to 2019. GDP, unemployment, debt, income, whatever you want to check. Funny you think democrats are why things tank. Do you associate the 2008 financial crisis with Obama? Because that nosedive, which landed lower in 2009 than we hit in 2020, has a clear nosedive starting in 2004. Please don’t tell me you think the astonishingly-low gas prices in 2020 were Trump’s doing, either. People literally stopped driving altogether and oil companies couldn’t offload ships since demand was so low. I’m not really sure who you’re concerned about regarding WW3 that you think would be a powerful player that isn’t in NATO and isn’t already against the US. But really, it’s impressive to think Trump’s tenure was such a safe haven of global peace when Russia, one of 2 likely opponents, was thrilled with Trump because he was friendly to them. That’s not peacekeeping or carrying a big stick, that’s Putin making the marionette dance.

    I implore you to check out a few additional “news” sources and actual analyst sources. If your news sources get emotional, that’s not news. If your analyst sources cite high school polls, that’s not analysis. If your source of stats is unverified text-over-pictures or commentary social media videos, God help us all.

  • Devout Christianity is a common reason. Specifically, the kind that believes abortion is murder and is the number 1 topic that can supersede all others. If one candidate vows to outlaw it and the other vows to protect it, the conservative Christian brainwashing machine gets these out-groups to vote against all of their interests to “protect babies”.

    Taxes is another I hear. People actually beleive Republicans are fiscally responsible and going to help these out-groups, many of whom are lower middle class, get ahead by reducing tax. Ignore the part where reducing everyone’s taxes increases everyone’s gains, increasing everyone’s budget, and therefore not actually increasing anyone’s purchasing power because the market will adjust sales price higher.

    Obviously, this works on the majority demographics too. But they’re closer to the in-group than who you asked about

  • Lucky for most, it’s a local inhabited system. Unlucky for you, it doesn’t sound like you’re local.

    Sounds like you may have been out for a few years. A lot has changed. I did drop it about 6 months ago, but the major things are: exploration pays now! But pretty much only if you have the Odyssey expansion for on-foot gameplay to search tirelessly for bacteria. Thargoids now have a powerplay-like mechanic and are actively attacking inhabited systems. They’re avoidable though.

    As for getting back to the bubble, you may be able to find a carrier passing by to hitch a ride. Did you play recently enough to have seen fleet carriers? Another player directs it and can transport your ship while you’re offline. Just remember to deboard on time!

    I don’t have a carrier, but can help get you on your way if needed. I love the lore of the game and can enjoy the mechanics, but I have a real life to tend to so I get it.

  • I still forget how to tell white dwarfs from neutron stars. Both can charge you, but I think it’s white dwarfs that have 1/4 the jet range for like 1/2 the boost. Basically a deadly waste of time. But I don’t really go far. I have an icy Dolphin that can park in the normal star scoop zone and stay cool indefinitely, so the boost benefit isn’t worth it to me. But I do enjoy that empty dread of the vastness of space and the inconceivable size of celestial bodies.

    And of course the dread from the excellent sound design surrounding the Thargoids, the alien enemies you can seek out. But that’s normal dread.

    You ever land on mitterand hollow? Or rather, you ever let the moon known as mitterand hollow land on you? That’s an experience. It’s actually incredibly safe due to the spatial reframing, but good luck convincing your brain

  • That was a popular distinction maybe 20 years ago, but the line is fuzzed and functionally, the term “crossover (CUV) is dead. But, like all terms automotive, it’s just marketing.” Crossover" seemed friendlier to women to get them to drive tall cars. Now everything is classed as a [size] suv. Some classic suv examples were always unibody like the jeep Cherokee. Edit: I see now your other comment touches on offroad capability. So does a 2wd “suv” (by your definition) then get declassified? Does a body-on-frame tall wagon with viscous coupling awd get declassified?

    And no (takes a deep breath to survive an emotional down vote onslaught), there is no legal difference between 4x4, 4wd, or awd. A manufacturer can choose any term to apply to any type of 4-wheel locomotion. Every definitive trait has some counter example that still counts because people “feel” it’s good enough.

  • It’s not necessarily that they dislike the people, either. It could be an issue if the other people/animals at home aren’t cooperative with your need to work, despite being lovely in normal home situations. It could be a total lack of cooperative workspace - no desk space, too cluttered, areas already dedicated to other home tasks, noisy neighbors, easy distractions, etc. And then some people are just wholly impatient, who can’t identify what they need to make their home space more like their office space. Personally, I played a bunch of video games in 2020. I felt I performed better overall because blocking off an hour of game campaign kept me off my phone most of the day. Now I sit in an office again, scrolling here for more than an hour each day.

    But yes, I had a number of coworkers in 2020 that came back as soon as they could in order to get away from their families again. Work was their herculean daily task that gave them an excuse to be away from families and be too tired to engage with them after work. The kind that always joked “gonna go home, hit the wife, and fuck the dog”

    It’s not always outright negativity, but it can be.