Darn, you’ve just explained half of my life
A geek, who no longer likes tech
Darn, you’ve just explained half of my life
Question of curiosity: why not consider RaspberryPi for the task? It is definitely going to be cheaper and more power efficient when comparing to mini computer (even if you take new one), because has so much more computing ability per Watt. I’ve been running HomeAssistant + cups server + small file server on RaspberryPi 3b+ without any issues for few years, and it was pretty actively used.
Additional point, RaspberryPi is publically traded company on London Exchange, and was founded in Britain, which mostly matches the “Buy European” motto ;)
This is a very important thing to be mentioned: not every single alternative has to be high tech. I recently started building collection of vinyl, and started listening to local radio station, which caused my streaming music intake to go to almost zero.
The same goes for pen and paper products: I’ve tried so much systems, apps for notes and diaries, that I ended up just buying a nice fountain pen (Lamy Safari), converter, a bottle of ink, a few mechanical pencils, and bunch of notepads for a fraction of money that some of digital tools cost long-term. Especially, if we are speaking about paper-simulating products, like remarkable: I had a chance to try the latest Pro for €649, and was underwhelmed by experience for the price, comparing to my notebooks (I can get a lifetime supply of notebooks I use with fountain pen for the same amount of price). Also, it makes my fingers happy, because I touch things and not just a keyboard.
The only downside I see, after some time of such approach: analogue tools take space and sometimes can cost a bit more upfront (though are cheaper long-term), so you need to be ready for that.
Thanks for a very considerate and informed answer! This one is really helpful and actually addresses my thoughts ;)
Totally with you on vinyl, though some music is not available in vinyl at all. So, I’d prefer to have an alternative if possible :)
I did not know that puma and adidas are German. I was sure they are all US, but no, they are not.
If you haven’t set a password before, then it should be the default one: empty. Then, to use sudo
you will need to set one by using passwd
In case if the password was set in the past: the only way would be to run factory reset, or restore from image.
Wow, I didn’t know there are two brands with so close names. Though, I checked: I meant Hohner: https://hohner.de/
I love Hohner brand guitars. Made in German, simply great sound and experience overall.
It is an ironic thing, though I’ve seen it quite a bit within big corporations world to have cross-owning. No idea of its benefits though
Not for HomeAssistant ;)