• 2 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 11th, 2023


  • More popular, more commercially successful, and more accessible to casual fans. Agreed.

    But for magnum opus, I gotta agree with the wall for a few reasons

    1. They made a movie out of it
    2. The ode to the intense para social relationships that revolve around stardom and how a truly crazy creative can take advantage of it in scary ways was not only true back then, but predictive of how much worse it would get in current time.
    3. DSotM always seemed like a lot of good ideas in an unordered list. I felt like they could be scrambled and the album would be similar, except for the first and last songs… Meanwhile the wall tells a story of pain, alienation, search for meaning, lashing out, and then a quest for self-forgiveness.

  • It basically copies the best of every other messaging platform. I was at my in-laws where everyone on my wife’s side has an iPhone and we’re talking about a LOT of the features.

    • can tell if notifications are turned off on phone
    • read receipts
    • higher quality limit on video/pictures sent
    • messaging that can be done in wifi-only areas (imagine having a few group threads/people you CANT talk to while at home because you live in a dead zone)

    Any other big feature of any other messaging app I was able to think of (Signal/Whatsapp, discord, slack) is all there (except public chatrooms and private servers obvs), WITH OS integration

    I still like my pixel, but I get it now.

    Still holding out hope that Google allows for RCS features to come to Google voice.

  • Worked at a medium sized retail startup as a software engineer where we didn’t have root access to our local laptops, under the guise of “if you fuck it up we won’t be able to fix it” but we only started out with a basic MacBook setup. so every time I wanted to install a tool, ide, or VM I had to make a ticket to IT to come and log in with the password and explain what I was doing.

    Eventually, the engineering dept bribed an IT guy to just give us the password and started using it. IT MGMT got pissed when the number of tickets dropped dramatically and realized what was going on.

    We eventually came to the compromise that they gave us sudo access with the warning “we’re not backing anything up. If you mess up we’ll have to factory reset the whole machine”. Nobody ever had to factory reboot their machine because we weren’t children… And if there was an issue we just fixed it ourselves

  • Life well lived for me is the following.

    1. My life ends in a comfy bed surrounded by friends and family having died before becoming a burden on them.
    2. I’ve made a positive impact on those around me
    3. I’ve left my children/family in better financial shape than I was born into (which, frankly, was pretty good already)
    4. I traveled and saw what the world has to offer

    Yeah, life is meaningless, and we’re one small speck in a universe so big it breaks our brains to think about and we only last a similar amount of time in regard to the vastness of time itself. . … so I might as well make myself and the people around me feel good

    As far as the short term? Have a good conversation with friends/family, go for a walk through a nearby forest.

  • I was 14 and just got a cable modem when Napster came out. I just got introduced to modern music, had no way to pay for it other than asking my folks. Let’s jump on the pirate ship!

    Now I’ll let you do the math on my age, I have very stable income, and a fair amount of disposable savings, and I still pirate pretty much my ears will be hearing. Plex has equal or better tools for watching/listening than every other service I’ve tried (shuffling episodes is my favorite)

    I go to concerts, watch movies in the theatre, read physical books and support creatives in other ways… so I feel different about that…

    I also started noticing this when itunes came out. You could only listen to music YOU PAID FOR on devices you’ve authorized. Then soon after I saw this, a friend was down on his luck but had a very good and varied cd collection. He started selling them to second hand shops and his friends.

    I ended up seeing this dichotomy and thought to myself… this sucks. Let’s just pirate it…

    I should note the amount of physical unread books I have on my shell are similarly rationed to the amount of music I haven’t listened to or movies I haven’t watched yet that I’ve also pirated