Engineers are, as a rule… well, you’ve seen what they’re like. You gotta loosen them up with drugs first if you want a decent conversation.
Engineers are, as a rule… well, you’ve seen what they’re like. You gotta loosen them up with drugs first if you want a decent conversation.
Speaking as a freeform blob. Roundness? Yes, I have some ot that. Sharp pointy bits? Yep. Little tangles? Ya, a few of those too.
In that first technique you hold your attention on a thing as perfectly as you can for a time.
That thing can be a visualization or it can be any of a hundred other things.
My favorite is the feeling of breath in the tip of my nose. It’s a popular one. No visualization required there.
We have 2 techniques. The Buddhists call them samatha and vipassana. They go by other names, in other traditions, too.
We start with samatha, because it’s easy. Just takes diligent effort.
In samatha you hold your attention upon a thing (called your “object”) as perfectly as you can for a time.
You can use pretty much anything as your object. But some work better than others and some work differently for different people.
So experimentation is called for there.
Popular objects are mantras (a repeated word), visualizations, sights (like a candle flame), sounds (the wind in the trees), the feeling of breath in the tip of your nose. Lots of room for experimentation there. I like that last one especially.
Here’s a nice overview : (he calls the techniques “shrink” and “grow”).
A couple nice books on the subject are “Journey of Awakening” by Ram Dass and “Meditation, the First and Last Freedom”, by Osho.
Ultimately you will need to do your own research, perform your own experiments and become your own expert.
Experiment with different techniques. There’s a method there that you can get a handle on.
Control of your attention. Because it is the axis of reality.
you see dicks everywhere?
Amazon logo looks a bit like a dick
Yeah but it isn’t the key central focus of the deal anymore then. It’s just a convenient accessory.
Good catch. Yes, messaging is an exception. I am not familiar with those others.
We can still observe and discuss methods for making observations.
Yes. Hypotheses. Ideas.
But the point of the scientific method is to get us high-quality ideas. How would that cure the derangement of an idea-centered perspective?.
Maybe if you removed the model-making part. Leave the primacy of observation and the utility of peer-review. Maybe.
I think that tap-hold to select text and raise context menu is a function of every text-using app I’ve got.
There is also the assumption of the central importance of ideas, which is a rather deranged perspective when you think about it.
Don’t get me wrong, ideas have high utility, for memory and language and such, but still.
An idea is just a little thing, and any association between it and the rest of reality is purely contrived.
Those are rather awkward options. Standard functionaliy is preferable, even with loss of markdown.
I think it’s a detail that the dev just hasn’t yet addressed.
On a similar note, by mobile lemmy client won’t let me copy test. Can’t even select it.
Well it depends on the definition of censor.
If you define censor as, “to suppress or delete as objectionable” (Webster) then it fits just fine.