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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Fundamentally what the alternative is, is to propose that you remain the sole owner of your privacy at the cost of sharing with advertisers that you have, say, 6 generic topics you’re interested in. Like motorsports. It, with the millions or billions of others looking. The ad tracking currently knows everything about everyone and then works out if motorsports is an effective ad for you individually based on their profile of you.

    For me, I’m fine with the current system. For my family though, they’re just using phones and tablets with their default browser, blissfully unaware that there’s no privacy. Then their data gets leaked out.

    I know it’s an extreme kind of case, but domestic abuse victims are always my thought when you think of a counter to “well I’ve got nothing to hide”. Those people if they’re unsure about privacy, will err on the side of caution. They stay trapped.

    In conclusion, I’d rather move the needle forward for those who are at risk. Those who installing anti-tracking plugins would put at further risk. Where installing odd browsers make them a target. We can find perfection later. Make the Web safer now.

    Plenty of people could justifiably take the opposite stance. But even just for my grandparents, they shouldn’t be tracked the way they are. They’re prime candidates for scams, and giving away privacy is one data leak away from a successful scam.

    Kind of off topic to what you said I realise. :)

  • Ah you’re thinking I’m reading your other comments to other people.

    BTW HIPAA is for providers for their patients information handling. Once it’s in the person’s hands, it’s no longer under HIPPA and it no longer applies. If you decide to put your private medical information on a commercial advertisement board on a highway, and it’s not breaking laws to do with acceptable adcertisement (eg gore or smut) you’ll be able to do that to.

    Basically theres no expectation for a individual person to adhere to HIPPA for their own personal information storage and it doesn’t apply.

    My assumption with your lawyer comment, is this was a insurance or otherwise medical malpractice lawyer who might collect this information for their client cases, since without having client/patient requirements, HIPPA is irrelevant.

  • The moment a lawyer saves their medical records in a way that unintentionally and without their consent uploads them to OneDrive, they have a pretty solid case to charge Microsoft for a HIPAA violation

    Are we talking about the same comment?

  • Sorry to clarify: updates come as security or as feature updates. If I’ve already got a standard operating environment (SOE) with all the features I/staff need to do work, I don’t need new features.

    I then have to watch cves with my cve trackers to know when software updates are needed and all devices with those software get updated and the SOE is updated.

    I can go on a rant about how bad the Linux has recently made my life as someone’s policy is that any Linux bug might be a security vulnerability and therefore I now have infinite noise in my cve feed, which in turn is making decisions on how to mitigate security issues hard, but that is beyond this discussion.

    So in short I’m only talking about when you update, updating only security fixes, not the software and features. Live patching security vulnerabilities is pretty much free low effort, low impact, and in my personal opinion, absolutely critical. But software features patching can be disruptive, leaves little to be gained, and really only should be driven for a request to need that feature at which point it would also include an update to the SOE.

  • They probably have been using it for years, and for the last more then a decade I’ve been using Ubuntu as my main Linux distribution since I have work to do and I’ll get to doing work faster in ubuntu than any other distribution.

    Why did I start with Ubuntu? 10+ years ago Ubuntu was lightyears ahead for community support for issues. Again, I had work to do, I wasn’t hobbyist playing “fuck windows”.

    In fact look at things like ROS where you can get going with “apt install ros-noetic-desktop” and now you can build your robotics stuff instantly. Every dependency to start and all the other tooling is there too. Sure a bunch of people would now say “use nix” but my autonomous robotics project doesn’t care I am trying to get lidar, camera, motors, and SLAM algorithms to work. I don’t want to care or think about compiling ROS for some arch distribution.

    I won’t say I don’t dabble with other distributions but if I’ve got work to do, I’m going to use the tools I already know better than the back of my hand. And at the time, when selecting these tools, Ubuntu had it answered and is stable enough to have been unchanging for basically a decade.

    Oh and if I needed to, I could pay and get support so the CEO can hear that risk is gone too (despite almost every other vendor we pay never actually resolving a issue before we find and fix it… Though I do like also being able to say “we have raised a ticket with vendor x and am waiting on a reply”).

  • From my perspective, if used for work, automatic security updates should be mandatory. Linux is damn impressive with live patch. With thousands or even tens of thousands of endpoints, it’s negligent to not patch.

    Features? Don’t care. But security updates are essential in a large organisation.

    The worst part of the Linux fan base is the users who hate forced updates, and also don’t believe in AV. Ok on your home network that’s not very risky compared to a corp network with a million student and staff personal information often with byo devices only a network segment away and APT groups targeting you because they know your reputation is worth something to ransom.

  • Glad you got it working, interesting if the slicer itself was the problem… When you’re loading a file to the printer on my elegoo I’ll be able to check the actual layer settings which is ultimately the key since that’s how long the lcd will light up and cure the resin.

    However supports and rafts are heavily influenced by the slicer so any issues there could be resolved by the slicer software.

    Otherwise your hygiene cleaning all sounds like good practice regardless both to remove variables and maintenance.

    Glad you got it sorted

  • Without Carlos driving at his peak, Ferrari will not be able to guarantee second in constructors let alone challenge for first as perez continues to contribute nada to red bull. I’d imagine they’d like to continue to be second and specifically ahead of maclaren. To do that they’ll need him to be motivated to be a driver and I don’t know much about him but if I’ve seen anything from the races, it’s that he’s motivated by personal achievements.

    Either way double Ferrari dnf from infighting entertains me greatly. :)

  • I’ve been thinking of running something using second hand usb cameras and raspberri pi 3+ since my switch already has poe and my nas has 40tb.

    I have a 3d printer so a wall mount enclosure shouldn’t be hard either.

    Was thinking of mounting them on the window frames indoors.

    Nvr software like this might work: https://github.com/seydx/camera.ui

    Tailscale will allow me to access the Web front end anywhere on my devices. Individually it could hold the RPis too just for remote troubleshooting later if anything happens.

    Personally I’d like to reuse as many things that I already own and have no specific reliance on a vendor. If I got a rstp camera later, I wouldn’t need a pi to host the camera. But I’ve got a couple of pis and a couple of usb webcam to start. It won’t work for night mode so I’ll have to make sure the outdoor lights are triggered by motion.

    But I’ve not done anything yet this is all how I’ve thought about it in my head. So I’m watching this space to learn more too.