• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • It’s not just Lemmy doom-scrolling though.

    Here’s an article about the upcoming US election in my native country’s national publication. There are others, I literally just searched for Trump on the front page.

    This is not a publication trying to sell you doom and gloom either, they’re the least biased, most factual publication around these parts. Required by law to not hold a bias and also nationalized so there’s no profit motive for ragebait.

    The US election is just considered important in many parts of the world. And to be fair, with the US being extremely important to NATO and Trump wanting to be done with NATO, aaaand many eastern-european countries being very much dependent on NATO to continue existing… You can see how Trump being elected could potentially affect tens if not hundreds of millions of people outside the US too.

  • Fun fact, doing this could create a monetary liability far in excess of the value of your home and property.

    It’s also not going to be particularly healthy drinking if your home has its own well rather than being on city water. Which where I live, is very common for detached homes.

  • Just look at the state of the USA with 28% immigrant population.

    Which STILL has the 6th highest GDP per capita (10th if you count tax-haven microstates and overseas territories).

    Centuries of mass immigration built the US economy. Y’all are acting like economics is all zero-sum and more people = everyone is poorer, but the amount of jobs doesn’t stay constant as the amount of people increases. The US always had an influx of immigrants to fuel the ever-growing economic machine.

    There’s plenty of reasons why a lot of people in the US can’t afford to live in cities, etc. None of it is because of immigration, it’s mostly corporate greed and stupid zoning laws.

  • What’s funny to me is that you could say Apple is the reason for this.

    Apple’s had longer OS support for their phones than any Android manufacturer for a while, but then Google started catching up when they got their own chips and now Samsung and the others are pushing Qualcomm to quit their bullshit.

    I do use an iPhone myself currently, but if Qualcomm opens their shit up enough that OEMs can provide at LEAST 5 years of software updates to their flagships, I might go back to Androidland (though I’m not sure what to even consider, I dislike Samsung and OnePlus disappointed me so hard with the OxygenOS->ColorOS switch that it’s literally the reason I went to iOS.

    I suppose any Android phone would be good if I ran a custom ROM like I used to, but a couple of years ago bank apps in my country started checking the integrity of the bootloader and whatever. I couldn’t find any way around it back then, but maybe there’s something now?

  • boonhet@lemm.eetomemes@lemmy.worldgoddamnit
    6 days ago

    Cool, a replacement for GIFs too.

    Next you’ll tell me you can add sound to it and make AVIFs with sound, won’t you?


    Someone once said something to the tune of “Imagine if GIFs could have sound”, to which people pointed out that those are just called videos.