Hello Mondo

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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 17th, 2024

  • Omg, it’s an inside-joke at our company now.

    Anytime something happens on a server that’s been running great for years, like a hard drive going bad or the time one literally caught on fire…

    98% of the time it is selinux that is the reason it is doing weird things after the main fix because selinux changed a setting on the reboot.

    “Have you checked selinux?” is the go to question whenever anything breaks now, even if it’s not a computer.

  • I have an S7 (yes I know it’s old) I still like it and it works - but - something happens about once or twice a month and it starts hanging up whenever a phone call connects and/or an app will get super laggy.

    Anyway, reboot fixes it (so far) and nothing else I’ve tried does.

    There’s definitely something with these older phones that is like a slow leak and the simple, easy, lasts for weeks fix is to just take 2 minutes for a full “turn it off and back on again”

    Plus the overheating when something gets stuck doing a background thing. Reboot reboot.

    I plan to use this phone until it dies, reboot stops fixing things, or needed apps are no longer working/supported.

    Slack no longer works/supported, but that one I’m just like “oh, noooo” However I expect ones I actually need to start falling off and I’ll be lucky to get a couple more years of use.

    My meandering point, some of us are still using Android phones where reboot helps a lot

  • Ugh, saw the headline and knew it was my state. Our current Dem Gov is term limited. This Robinson asshat is so very embarrassing and scary like a drunk bear with brain damage.

    NC is so gerrymandered we are painted red, but I think Gov is based on popular vote so there is still some hope for Stein for next Gov and Jackson for next AG.

    Also, Cotham can suck it for getting voted in as a Democrat then switching parties within months in a very very blue district. She ran on protecting abortion rights then voted to ban it after joining the Republican party.

    We are potentially very very up a nasty creek without paddles here, even in the blue places.

  • I’m the wife and I’m like you. I will stand in the dark and wait for my eyes to adjust rather than turn on a light.

    We have fairy lights and red LED string lights for the high traffic areas to dissuade hubby from flipping on the overhead.

    Low light motion sensor nightlights for a couple spots so that we don’t step on a cat on the way to the bathroom.

    The kitchen lights are dimmable, so we can go bright when needed to cook, and dim if just searching for a snack.

    I love it. He has given in and adjusted. I find it calm and cozy.

  • I was thinking that! When I was a kid I had a mole on my neck that looked similar in size and color to a tick. At least once a year someone would try to “catch it”

    Luckily more often it was serious looks and warning there was a tick on me.

    In fairness, I was in the woods a lot and had to check for ticks on the regular.

    But yeah, my grandma for sure would have whacked me upside the head if she saw that spider earring.