Your average gay, married, software developer.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • It’s up to you to give your life meaning. Just because things suck, doesn’t mean it’s time to throw in the towel. Imagine the Bronze Age humans, who were getting killed over idols and and some random warlord’s whims. They persisted in the face of adversity so we exist today. Imagine the lives of the enslaved, raped, and oppressed native Americans and Africans in the face of Spanish rule in South America. They persisted with no clear future freedom in sight.

    I could go on about humans facing horrible situations but my point is this: throughout history we have always faced a dark situation as a result of other human actions but we always found a reason to persist… or even fight back.

  • I think the problem is deeper than what food is available. It’s in what time is available. We have to work so many hours to be able to afford to live. At the end of the day I am tired. My spouse is tired. We end up choosing something we can make quickly that’s affordable. Oftentimes, that’s something with processed ingredients, because we aren’t eating a salad every meal. You want a healthier population? Give them time to cook without losing all their free time.