
This is my old account. Now primarily at @federalreverse@feddit.org (note the .org!)

  • 25 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023

  • Not an expert but: tldr don’t.

    Battery calibration is supposed to help the battery’s firmware figure out how low the battery can go. It also tends to hurt your battery, so you should avoid performing these calibrations and keep the charge between 20% and 80% as much as you can.

    It seems what you’re trying to do is improve battery estimation by the OS on a new machine. And in that case, Is just trey trip love* I’d just try to live with possible insecurity of not knowing whether the machine has 15 or 25 minutes left.

    • Thanks, auto-correct!

  • Wo du schon Berlin sagst: Die Hochzeit von SFB+ORB=RBB war damals eine sehr schwierige (West + Ost, Metropole + Land, …).

    Und letztlich bringt es auch nicht so viel: Die regionalen Programme müsste man sowieso erhalten (die teuren Journalistysstellen bleiben erhalten). Regionale Sportübertragungen bleiben vermutlich ebenfalls wichtig. Sehr viele überregional relevante Themenbeiträge oder Dokus werden sowieso schon leicht umgeschnitten in mehreren Formaten versendet (zum Beispiel wird Arte Re: gern noch mal zur Regionalsenderdoku umgeschnitten und die Regionalsender machen mit ein paar Monaten Abstand ähnliche Verbraucherschutzsendungen und tauschen dafür Beiträge aus). Die austauschbaren Regionalserien/Heimatfilme würden vermutlich genauso produziert (diese wiederholt die ARD derzeit im Schnitt 11 Mal im Jahr auf ihren verschiedenen Sendern).

    Was dann noch an Einsparungen bleibt: Vielleicht kann man die höchstens regional angehauchten, aber eigentlich austauschbaren Laberrhabarbersendungen wie Kölner Treff etc. vereinigen? Vielleicht muss Florian Silbereisen nicht mehr jedes Vierteljahr eine teure Riesensendung machen, wenn da nicht mehr nur der MDR-Klüngel draufschaut?

  • Although I suspect you trying to be sarcastic: You’re welcome.

    With politics, there’s always more than a single topic. And while the chat-control topic and its persistence sucks, keeping democratic structures in place, this can be rolled back at some point. If democratic structures are no longer in place, this is just going to prove a useful tool to whatever authoritarian is in charge.

    There are many motivations why people organize in right-wing movements, but protecting civil liberties, democracy, or human rights are not any of them. At least not in any honest way. They may use these topics as part of scare tactics and to paint scapegoats.

  • The original version of Java was proprietary. Sun later open-sourced large parts of it but they kept selling a version of Java with a proprietary license. There were also random kerfuffles over the years with IBM and Red Hat who wanted to sell open-source Java into large organizations without giving a cut to Sun/Oracle.