Probably true. I don’t see anything like that in the article, though?
I used to make comics. I know that because strangers would look at my work and immediately share their most excruciatingly banal experiences with me:
— that time a motorised wheelchair cut in front of them in the line at the supermarket;
— when the dentist pulled the wrong tooth and they tried to get a discount;
— eating off an apple and finding half a worm in it;
every anecdote rounded of with a triumphant “You should make a comic about that!”
Then I would take my 300 pages graphic novel out of their hands, both of us knowing full well they weren’t going to buy it, and I’d smile politely, “Yeah, sure. Someday.”
“Don’t try to cheat me out of my royalties when you publish it,” they would guffaw and walk away to grant comics creator status onto their next victim.
Nowadays I make work that feels even more truly like comics to me than that almost twenty years old graphic novel. Collage-y, abstract stuff that breaks all the rules just begging to be broken. Linear narrative is ashes settling in my trails, montage stretched thin and warping in new, interesting directions.
I teach comics techniques at a university level based in my current work. I even make an infrequent podcast talking to other avantgarde artists about their work in the same field.
Still, sometimes at night my subconscious whispers the truth in my ear: Nobody ever insists I turn their inane bullshit nonevents into comics these days, and while I am a happier, more balanced person as a result of that, I guess that means I don’t make comics any longer after all.
Probably true. I don’t see anything like that in the article, though?
So what I take away after a quick skim on xmas eve is… this is an attempt at one app for all (or big parts) of the fediverse?
Works for me.
I think this is the most mature and versatile one? Bookwyrm is nice for what it does, but it’s only books.
Semantics. If person A is protected by privacy rights in her jurisdiction, but her data is scraped by project B from one where such rights conveniently aren’t legally respected, A should still be able to expect some way of injunction.
Yeah, terrific use for a mini PC. Will some self hosters and home labbers spit bile at the thought? Probably. It’s a matter of personal requirements.
Basically, like you say, most mini PCs are quiet, power efficient, and just carry that bit more oomph than a SBC.
For context, Rock Paper Shotgun is a gaming site, which is why the reviewer focuses so heavily on game performance on different mini PCs. Unsurprisingly, the answer to the title isn’t an unequivocal “yes”, but some of the little lunch boxes fare quite well despite their limited specs.
A more accurate title would be “Should gamers bother with mini PCs,” but given their audience that would be superfluous 🙂 I think mini PC gaming will continue to be a niche interest, but there are certainly other and probably better uses for the tiny computers.
Yeah, the only threat to Big Tech is that they might sink a lot of money into training material they’d have to give away later. But releasing the material into the Public Domain is not exactly an improvement for the people whose data and work has been used without consent or payment.
“Congratulations, your rights are still being violated, but now the data is free to use for everyone”.
If I understand correctly, OP is after the non-Russian Pale Moon browser start page, not the project home page.
Ah, damn. I read some advance news earlier in the month so I only skimmed this one. There goes my Fugitive 6B pipedream 🙂
Oh man, is it confirmed that it’s a Second to Third Doctor regeneration? 😞
I were holding out hopes that they’d snuck in a cheeky Jo Martin cameo!
It’s more than just colourisation, they recovered 16mm footage from location shoots, which gives us some of those crisp shots they’ve used for promo pictures.
It’s pretty exciting, almost enough to ease my worries how they’re going to edit a >4hrs serial down to a 90 minutes special…
You from the guv’mint, kid? You has to tell me if you is.
That is true, definitely not an OS exclusive problem!
That’s the go-getter attitude any paramilitary organisation appreciates!
Fresh out of pamphlets, sorry.
Ri-i-ight. Now tell us about the significance of his knit sweater.
Bearded guy here; we never tire of that kind of comment. Please, keep it coming.
I agree that the tone of their articles helps push the quality above some other tech blogs. At the very least they’re sincere!
Windows is no longer an option for me either — I had made a conscious effort to use FLOSS apps even before switching, so there wasn’t much holding me back. And, as you say, once I’d started modifying system settings to disable Microsoft telemetry, I was already at Linux tinkerer levels…
No worries. Given the season, surely it’s the recurring Bahhum bug.