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Joined 5 days ago
Cake day: October 23rd, 2024


  • A poll released Monday conducted by Arab News/YouGov found that Trump led Harris 45 percent to 43 percent among Arab Americans. Those voters said that they viewed Trump as more supportive of Israel’s current government, but that he was more likely to end the conflict.

    In 2020, FL Hispanics were bombarded with ads saying that Biden would give away Florida to Castro as part of his love for communism or deport them all to Cuba. Trump won FL by a large margin, mostly because Miami area was not as blue as in the past. 60% of FL voters still voted for $15 minimum wage.

    In 2020, also, heavily hispanic southern counties of TX went pro Trump on ads that there would be a lot of work in the counties from building walls.

    AIPAC lobby has spent record amounts on primaries for democrats this year where the incumbent supported a ceasefire. The only ones AIPAC won were ones where they did not mention Israel at all. Other Republican PACs are blanketing Arab zip codes with how pro Israel Harris is, and Jewish zip codes with how she is a muslim plant.

    While Trump very proudly has RFK boast of his desire to end the most stupid war the US has ever conducted, Trump is favoured by Netanyahu, including reported daily strategy calls on how to sabotage Biden’s fake constraints policies. He is more likely to believe any benefits Netanyahu tells him of a full war on Iran/Lebanon/Syria over any prudence.

    Trump’s main claim for 2020 election “rigging” is that a Hunter Biden laptop existed, without anything implicating President on it. But republican rigging of misinformation, and vote suppression, just wasn’t enough even though that nothing story was still all over the news.

    There are serious problems with US electoral system, and it is orders of magnitude worse every cycle.

  • Biden won by running more left than he was. Even if you think entire public is behind diminishing Russia and China, just because there’s a bipartisan consensus for it, the economic damage caused by Ukraine war and lying about the causes of the economic damage is a certain weight on DNC. The pure demonic evil of neocon empire, but no one talking about it, still finds its way into brainless voters’ bones.

    Winner will be based on turnout. Enthusiasm and hope gets missed when DNC feels like a fundraising organization that got its dream opponent, and still failed to run away with the election. The “more right” solution is just certain collapse of US and any faith in democracy or zionist media that genuinely favours the most zionist candidate, when genocide is so easily at reach.