• 4 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 19th, 2023


  • Eh, then you could say voting progressive and getting attacked by your conservative community would count as leopards eating face, since you’re getting hurt by the result of what you support.

    The meme is about voting for the harm and being directly harmed by the policy voted for, like if someone voted to ban abortions and then couldn’t get one when they needed it. Voting to ban abortions and then getting backlash from your friends is not leopards eating face (yet) either

  • To be clear, I’m planning to vote against trump unless somehow biden gets replaced with someone worse than trump (~0% chance that happens, but still)

    that said, I don’t know a single person who’s happy with biden or excited that he’s the candidate, and frankly I doubt the sanity of anyone excited about him as much as I doubt bidens sanity (whereas with people voting for trump the insanity is crystal clear). I don’t know for sure who would be better, kamala might be the best bet, but being able to get through a debate without gibberish word salad sentences should be an obvious requirement