• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • What the heck dude, that’s not true. I think you may have misinterpreted me. I never said a mini primary was an opportunity for a progressive candidate to slip in there, or anything about some weird progressive purity test. Jeez. I mean, I’d obviously prefer a more progressive candidate, but I’m in agreement with you that if for whatever reason Biden steps aside, it’s almost certainly going to be Harris or another, (relatively) young moderate.

    I said the mini primary was being spit balled in Congress, so the idea of Biden not being the nominee is not out of the realm of reality. That was my point, not that Democrats have to throw AOC or Buttigieg in order to win, or that it is even remotely likely they’ll do that. It’s not.

  • As in, they’d all have to come to a consensus on one candidate other than Biden, and that’s just not a likely thing to happen without Biden stepping aside voluntarily.

    I just don’t see the DNC changing rules to choose someone besides Biden, even if that is technically possible. I could see them adding rules for what happens to delegates if a presumptive nominee steps aside before the convention. But hey, I’m a regular person who read a single article on DNC rules and listens to NPR Politics Podcast. Those kinds of analyses aren’t going to delve too far into the, “well, what if the DNC changes the rules, holds a mini primary without Biden, etc, etc.” because they either think they aren’t likely, or because it is simply too early to tell which way things will move as of today.

  • It does matter if Biden decides to stay in. It makes it far less likely the DNC is able to replace him, because the delegates are already pledged to him, and as far as I understand, in order to replace him they’d need a clear alternative singular candidate to nominate. Plus, they’d need to stop Biden from reviewing and selecting a loyal slate of delegates from each state who will certainly vote for him. It’d be much much more likely if Biden steps down and himself calls for a 5 or 6 week primary. My source, if you want to check it out. There’s a chance I’m misinterpreting but I think that’s the jist of it.

    As for those people rigorously defending Biden, I don’t necessarily think they’re automatically pro-Israel. They’re scared, for sure, as we all are. And they’ve probably bought some of, if not all, the Democratic posturing that Biden is just fine, and other writers’ sentiments that doing something like changing the nominee last-minute will be a disaster because it is unprecedented, and so they double down. Like a superfan in sports who is in complete denial that their team has a glaring weakness and probably won’t make it out of the playoffs. You see it all the time. I won’t ever hold it against those people, because it’s easy to be in that state, especially if you love your team. Plus, if you logic it out with them, sometimes they come around and end up seeing the roster change was actually needed. I don’t think deriding them gives them a chance to see your side.

  • There are actual congress-people talking about a mini primary for Democrats, and that by having something like that right now is going to dominate national news for the party, which right before an election is really good thing. Democrats could even spin it as “We’re listening to you-- you want a younger candidate? We’re gonna give you one,” rather than “We are in complete disarray regarding this upcoming election.” Regardless, whichever nominee makes it out of those is going to have plenty of name recognition by the end of it.

    This is not a ridiculous or far-fetched notion, it is being spit-balled right now by congresspeople. Everything hinges on Biden, so we’ll just have to see how his polls look like next week, if any other major voices join in the calls for him to step aside, and how the crises meetings in Congress go.

    But Im not sure how people downvoting you are so confident in Biden or why they’re so baffled about this whole thing. Like, “Who’s could possibly be the nominee of it’s not Biden?” Oh I dunno, one of the 15 names national news outlets have been proposing for the last week?

  • jwiggler@sh.itjust.workstoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldUseful idiot
    5 days ago

    Oops, I didn’t see that they had a weighted average there, I literally just counted the spread and divided. Well that’s better than I thought, but I’m still just not feeling good about November.

    You can laugh me off, but I think even the fact that there are mainstream publications coming out with articles about the logistics of replacing Biden shows it’s, while not probably in any sense, still a thing on many people’s minds. I still empathize with those people and don’t think they’re laughable. But thank you for correcting me.

  • jwiggler@sh.itjust.workstoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldUseful idiot
    5 days ago

    I mean, regardless of whether you personally believe Biden is doing well as President, that doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with the general population’s disposition toward him. And also, I just averaged the spread of each general election poll listed on that site, all of which have Trump leading.The number came out to 4.63%. That’s kinda a far cry from 1.5% that you mentioned.

    Let me be clear. I do not want Trump to win. Please do not put that in my mouth. Thinking he will win and actively hoping and voting for him are not the same. I do not want to be right in my feeling that he will win.

    Why try something that’s never been done before? Well, I think Trump broke politics already. We are already in unprecedented territory regarding presidential power, this particular election being between two previous Presidents, etc, so I personally don’t think the “established norm” argument holds too much water. And then you have my other arguments: The polls aren’t looking good, and we just came off a terrible debate performance.

    This isn’t all to say another candidate would definitely beat Trump, or that I even think it’s a good idea to get someone else in there. But I don’t think it’s a silly or idiotic to want that, as it seems you’re making it out. I can empathize with people who feel that way, because I am also frustrated with having to choose Biden.

    I was just wondering why you think its so silly, and I guess the answer is, “because it’s never been done before.” Thanks for responding.

  • jwiggler@sh.itjust.workstoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldUseful idiot
    5 days ago

    Would you mind elaborating on this? Polls don’t favor Biden right now and obviously his debate performance was really REALLY bad. I mean, if he’s the nominee, you gotta vote for him, but I’m curious why you think it’s so crazy that a person would feel like another Democratic nominee has a better shot. Especially considering how dissatisfied almost everyone in the country is regarding the two choices we have before us, and how often the explanation of that dissatisfaction ends up being because of age.

    I think it’s a pretty reasonable take to want someone other than Biden to run, considering those things I mentioned. Even if you personally think another candidate besides Biden kills the chances of us beating Trump, why do you think it’s so absurd of a position to want someone to take Bidens place?

    It seems right now your position, that Biden is the only chance we have against Trump, is the one that is kinda illogical, but I’m curious what your take on that is because there’s a chance I’m not accounting for something big, like the logistics of getting a replacement candidate in there and publicized.