• 66 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • IAEA is the international body responsible for standardizations on nuclear energy.

    Four years is not a long span of time in the context of nuclear energy, where technological developments take the scale of decades.

    This press release pertains to the newly announced western strategy for nuclear, low-carbon energy. That strategy is still current.

    By working to ensure that everyone can benefit from nuclear science, the IAEA underpins rights enshrined in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in 1976. These include the right to benefit from scientific progress; the right to an adequate standard of living and the right to the highest-attainable standard of health.

    The Agency does this by using nuclear science to combat zoonotic diseases; bolster food safety; protect fruits from pests; strengthen water management; treat cancer; and of course, to help countries mitigate climate change.

  • Do you really wish to sue moderators of an internet forum?

    If an instance operator violated my UN Human Rights, and my Nation-State had written domestic laws to allow me to sue for injuctive or other relief, then you had better believe it.

    the concept of suing under UN law in the USA is comical

    Well, this is why I advocate for us to finally, after 60+ years, ratify the ICESCR.

    UN text you’re quoting does not ostensibly protect internet comments from moderation either

    The UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights has other Articles. Read the whole thing…

    There is a difference between reasonable, valid moderator actions and wholesale censorship.


  • It happens, no one is perfect. Your apology is appreciated.

    So, could you provide a specific example of where I don’t seem grounded in reality?

    It might help to know that some of my comments are intended to be humorous in nature (“Black MAGA in UFC rings” ought to have been obviously dry humor, from my perspective, for example) whereas others are extremely serious, in particular those referencing UN Human Rights that got downvoted to oblivion.

  • After using the trial for a month and reaching the limit, i decided to pay for the $108/yr unlimited searches.

    Kagi did statistical analysis before assigning pricing (it was a long process that they would update us on while they gave us leniency on the quotas). They found that 300 per month was the sweet spot for a lot of regular people that might only search a few times a week or others that might only occasionally do deep dives.

    edit: fixed an error, but also adding: no, i exclusively use kagi now on all my devices. give it a test run, it is dramatically different from ddg and googhell

  • Psychological projection at work, there, folks.

    Since you actually were the one that failed to understand what “impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.” means within Article 19, UNUDHR, and you subconsciously knew you didn’t understand what you were reading, but your brain couldn’t handle that scary fact, so you instead turn it around and projected it onto me.

    It’s like your brain is doing “i’m rubber, you’re glue” without you actually wanting to do it on purpose.

    Hypothetically speaking, of course.