• 16 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 13th, 2024


  • Praseodymium ➡️ Paper Clip ⏰ 02:38 🦶4


    (Praseodymium ➡️ Metal ➡️ Metallurgy ➡️ Die_(manufacturing) ➡️ Paper_clip)


    This one took so many restarts before I found a good route. I felt like I was in orbit around “Paper_clip” with no way to get there. I thought that going down the rabbit hole of how paper clips are formed would be the best way, but I kept getting caught up on “Wire”, which maddeningly does not lead to the solution.

    I still think there’s a way to do it in 3, but I don’t have the energy to try just yet. I’ll update if I find it.

  • I agree with Zagorath, I like the cleverness of the path you took. I found a way to cut two steps off of that route:


    Sea of Azov ➡️ Bumblebee ⏰ 01:32 🦶7 (Sea_of_Azov ➡️ Greek_colonization ➡️ Latin_alphabet ➡️ B ➡️ B_(disambiguation) ➡️ Bee_(disambiguation) ➡️ Bee ➡️ Bumblebee)


    Instead of having to make the transition between “Beta” and “B”, you can go to “Latin_Alphabet” directly from “Greek_colonization”. And once you’ve gotten to “Bee_(disambiguation)” you can go straight to “Bee” from the first link on that page.

    I like following other routes after I’ve submitted my own. I think it’s useful to see what leaps someone else makes, and to learn from someone else’s approach to a problem.