• 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Censoring in computer games. Here in Germany, a lot of games were censored aggressively when I was young, because God forbid the youth is able to play games in their original form! They will turn to the dark side when they see some red pixels! Politics got even worse when we had a school shooting incident (not that regular here) and the attacker played a video game.

    A lot of games where either not available at all or we had robots, green blood or missing assets in them.

    I also liked to listen to electronic music (still do), but I grew up in North-East Germany and the only radio stations here played pop, rock and old people music. Couldn’t tape techno music, was too poor to buy it (and too far away from a good store anyway), so I looked on the web and found a lot of great stuff.

    I still remember the first online music stores, with horrible DRM and 128kbps WMA files…it was not a good time.

    For a while I had Netflix and Spotify, almost didn’t pirate anything anymore. Then Spotify started draining my phone’s battery, they didn’t shuffle properly anymore and I got recommended songs that were definitely sponsored (fuck you, A State of Trance). Netflix lost a lot of content and we got many more streaming services in return. So here we are again.

  • Das hilft echt. Mein letzter Zahnarzt war ein richtig harter Hund. Hat nicht viel geredet und höchstens Sätze wie “Das müssen sie jetzt halt mal aushalten” gebracht. Bei 'ner Wurzelbehandlung wird nicht gejammert! Dementsprechend schlecht waren seine Bewertungen, Angstpatienten hatten da einfach keine gute Zeit.

    Aber der war unfassbar gut in seinem Handwerk. Was der aus meinen Ruinen gemacht hat, wäre eines Nobelpreises würdig gewesen.

    Leider ist er nun in Rente. Neuer Arzt ist super lieb und nett, Wartezimmer immer brechend voll. Ich hätte gerne den Drill Sergeant zurück 😄

    Für immer unvergessen ist der Moment, als er irgendein Werkzeug nicht gefunden und dann mit einem Gasbrenner eine Nadel heißgemacht und sie in die Wurzel geschoben hat, um sie abzutöten. Shit just works.

  • Had a similar experience, but it was a video of a guy who got run over by a truck, or in more accurate terms…smushed into its radiator. There was not a lot left that could be recognized as a normal human body, but he was still alive and crying for help.

    I’ll also never forget that, fucking traumatizing thing. I believe the Nokia phone camera quality which was usual back then made it even worse, because there were missing details you couldn’t see, only imagine.

  • I see more people in my profession (programming) doing the four-day work week, but we’re still in an extreme minority. Outside of this field, it’s even worse. The liberal and conservative parties are actively pushing against it. Almost every day there’s an article where some rich CEO whines about young people being lazy. Added to that: Our aging population and a general lack of workers paired with aggressive anti-immigration politics - they also don’t help this cause.

    So yeah, more people are doing it (especially in IT), which makes me hopeful. But I still don’t see it getting rolled out in a big fashion anytime soon, unfortunately. Especially because salary levels in Germany are already very low and not everyone can afford the loss of pay switching to a four-day work week.

    I just know I’ll never go back. The amount of energy I gained by just having a day more to myself per week is extraordinary.

  • It’s quite frightening to see how fast these AI models have improved during the last few years. You can still spot errors in the videos, but how long will it take until you can’t do that anymore?

    It sounds terrifying to not know what’s real or not anymore. And also, these videos will put a lot of people out of jobs, especially in the creative industry. Who needs someone following a car with a drone anymore, when you can just generate that footage on the fly?

  • Ich war bis Anfang letzten Jahres in der Privatinsolvenz. Hatte mich da nach vielen Jahren endlich rausgekämpft, kommt die Schufa so: “Och naja, also ihren Eintrag löschen wir erst nach drei Jahren”. Ich konnte es nicht fassen. Die haben mit dieser Regelung quasi dafür gesorgt, dass die Nachteile die einem durch die Insolvenz entstehen (keine Verträge abschließbar, viele Anbieter lehnen einen direkt ab oder wollen eine Sonderzahlung als Kaution) um drei Jahre verlängert wurden. Im worst case wurden da aus 6 Jahren einfach mal 9 Jahre in denen man finanziell komplett im Arsch war.

    Zum Glück kam dann wenig später das Urteil des EuGH, dass dies rechtswidrig ist, mein Eintrag wurde gelöscht und nun bin ich wieder “clean”. Das hilft den vielen Menschen die in den Jahrzehnten vorher gegängelt wurden, natürlich nicht mehr.

    Super, dass noyb nun gegen diesen Drecksladen vorgeht.