Hmm…didn’t have “republican threatens to tax the rich” on my card for 2025 🤔
Hmm…didn’t have “republican threatens to tax the rich” on my card for 2025 🤔
Rumor has it, Vance got his favorite sofa a new set of pillows for Valentine’s though 😏
Waaaaait a minute…this is a real picture?? 😵💫
Completely missed that one.
Seems like Dear Leader’s dream job is actually influencer?
Just saw that JP Morgan lowered the price target for Tesla to 120$ 😂😂
✨ Dear Leader the most stable of geniuses ✨
Wh…why is there lube on my puzzle? ಠ_ಠ
The invisible bitch slap of the market strikes again! 🧐
Don’t get me wrong though… throwing an LLM at it would be a lot easier and faster. Just a mind boggling use of resources for a task that could probably be done more efficiently :D
Setting this up with Apache Solr and a suitable search frontend runs a high risk of becoming an abandoned side project itself^^
And now he’s trying to blame it on Ukraine 😂😂 Fuck that douchebag.
I would actually gladly donate my personal resources to a botnet if it would promise to fuck with Elon.
We need something like SETI@Home / Folding@Home but for X destroying botnets!
Oh, no need to wait for LLMs. Apache Solr should be really good at it. We used it at a company I was working at to build the most kickass search into our platform, that would actually find the stuff you were looking for…and that was back in 2018 :D
Oh jeez. Did the front fall off?
I mean it’s his cousin…he probably had to punch J.D. at some point in their lives to protect his sister from that weirdo^^
This is an outrage! 🧐
Honestly, I think this was probably the initial product idea for this Microsoft Recall shit. If I could have something like that running locally, open-source and with a non-insane security architecture, I’d never again use a folder in my life.
Dump it all to ~/mytrashpile
and let the AI figure out what I want I’m looking for 😄
Yeeeah for me it’s https://readeck.org/en/ …but same :D
These ideas are getting refined by fermenting in my tab stack!
Let’s see what my favorite 2000’s game critic had to say about it :D https://youtu.be/MqTreOK5YUQ