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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: December 18th, 2023


  • The “management” should be seen as positions to help the employees to do their work properly, not to rule over them (but helping would necesarily need to include some level of reviewing the work and if really necesary organize disciplinary measures).

    From my personal experience I defintly conclude that a company where the management serves the employees get better results than companies where managment are little wannabee generals.

    (I am also currently middle management and hope I do this right.)

  • You both have valid points that are most likely both true.

    Reality is more complicated thatn theories. Israel is a US vassal and completly depending on the US. The US needs Israel to assert power in the region. Israeli actors are influencing US politics. US actors have personal interests in Israel. US actors are depending on pro-zionist fundamentalist christian groups. Israeli actors are controlling parts of the US entertainment and news production. Other local players in the region depend on the US and thus support Israel to secure their own power. Racism in the general public is also part of this (some headlines produce more click, than others). And so on and on.

    Imo these are all correct assumptions, but even this doesn’t show the whole picture. Reality is too intervowen to completly access it in simple terms.

  • The thing is also, the models work reasonably well on the global scale, but the local scale is something different. Whoever did work in climate change impacts knows that we still work mostly in darkness and just try to prepare for the worst.

    The climate is no simple thing. Who knows, maybe some weird shit with the ocean will happen and increase the rainfalls over northern africa by 500% and the Sahara becomes a jungle. Probably unlikely, but we don’t really know.