• 2 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 21st, 2023


  • There are lots of reasons why this is a boon for trump but here’s one:

    Failed assassination attempts make your political opponents impotent.

    From this point forward in the campaign Biden has to hold trumps assassins accountable and use state resources to condemn the actions taken against trump. Effectively your opponent has to support you otherwise they look like they are consenting to the assassination attempt.

    What can the Biden campaign really say to counter this narrative? ‘Hey you probably shouldn’t have invited violence because you’ll reap what you sow’ - that’s terrible strategy.

    Instead they have to condemn all political violence, ensure trumps safety and effectively congratulate him for surviving.

    Bad days for Biden’s campaign. No worthy challenger to Biden will take the mantle now.

  • I broke through the exact same situation you had and finished the game beyond what most Hollow Knight players will achieve just so I can legitimately criticise this game that so many people apparently love.

    You’ve picked out the exact same mechanic that I also criticise. It wastes the players time and is anti-fun.

    I’d also add that the map mechanic is also terrible.

    My fun factor increased 10x when I found a hollow knight map online to use that had key locations marked. Ironically it was a very soft touch map that just gave general guidance without too many spoilers and this improved my experience of the game.

  • I’d question whether hollow knight is really a skill issue on your part.

    I’ve done the ‘path of pain’ and I still don’t understand why people love the game so much.

    It has solid combat, true, but some of the fundamental game mechanics (like save points and the map system) are designed to pad the game time and frustrate the player. Its poor design and the fact they weren’t called out on it is disappointing.

    Making a save point 40 seconds from a difficult boss fight doesn’t make me or any player git gud. It’s needlessly frustrating.