• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 6th, 2023


  • Thanks, friend! I appreciate the reply! Randonneuring is definitely the goal that I have been working towards. Finishing a 200km ride this year is my peak goal, as that would qualify me as a legit randonneur!

    I think that perhaps I will pump the breaks on the 157km ride, since it’s on Canada Day and I think my spouse would appreciate me being available for childcare, but I think I’ll find a better training plan for completing the 200km in September.

  • Having known a few Germans, I can blindly extrapolate that they love cars even more than Americans do. Although, they love cars because of the science and mechanics of how cars work. Americans, on the other hand, love cars because they are lazy and homicidal people who will literally burn the world to ashes as long as they can get to Costco 15 minutes faster.