• 14 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 17th, 2023


  • I only remember the rough outline:
    Dual Xeon gold of some sort. The CPUs were upgraded in 2021, so whatever was reasonably top shelf around that time would be a good bet.
    256GB RAM
    Intel X710 Dual SFP+ 10gig net
    Mellanox ConnectX (5, I think, not sure) 100gig net
    Some high end NVIDIA card. I don’t remember which, but it replaced a Quadro P5000.
    Broadcom 3108 with cache battery
    36x Exos 10TB 3.5" SAS drives
    2x SSD of some type I do not remember
    2x NVMe, don’t remember those either.
    Supermicro X11 mainboard.
    Supermicro 5U chassis with drive bays in both back and front

    Some bits were upgraded, such as network, cpu, ram, and GPU. It’d be substantially less today, but the original setup is from 2017, and I remember seeing an invoice of ~180.000 USD equivalent each. My house is 150.000 USD equivalent.

    Each cluster involves four or six of these machines in a modified shipping container along with some other hardware, working as a mobile data cruncher.

  • Not good.

    I have this awful pain in my neck that doesn’t seem to go away. I first noticed it a week ago, and thought I must’ve slept in a shitty position, but it has since only gotten worse. Due to holidays I was unable to get a doctors appointment until next week.

    Sure, I have a shitty seating position when on my PC, but I’ve had that for 25 years without a problem. Nothing changed last week, so I have no idea what’s causing this.

    In the meantime, paracetamol helps.