If you’re snooping here, you gotta calm yoself down.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Does your router have an app or way of letting you remotely see if the server is even showing on your home network?? It could be a physical disconnect or Ethernet port failure, or NIC failure maybe? A reboot wouldn’t help if the issue was related to something like that.

    Edit: Actually, re-read your post and thinking about this again, what I said wouldn’t make sense…

    You could have some sort of corruption causing an error in the appdata, preventing it from running. Might be a RAM issue.

  • one of the key provisions of the country’s employment law, specifically on the “doctrine of abusive dismissal,” is that “employers can’t just shed employees.” They can only do so, says Matanle, “when the employer can prove that the organization would go bust.”

    Should a Japanese company be found to break the law by, say, reducing its workforce to cynically juice the numbers of a quarterly report, dismissed employees are liable to be reinstated. “You can imagine the relationship problems,” says Matanle, “of staff who have won a court case against the organization for aggressive dismissal.”

    Sure would like some of those employment rights here in America right about now.

  • I don’t disagree about the DNC’s ego, but the stakes are very different from 2016.

    Biden has people with standards and morals to motivate.

    Are you suggesting those people with morals and standards will just abandon those morals and standards to vote Trump because Biden didn’t look as good as they wanted? Or just not vote because Biden didn’t live up to those standards, despite the Supreme Court and Trump making it very clear that democracy is on the ballot.

    This isn’t going to be a race decided by undecided voters, no one is sitting on the fence despite what the media might be saying. The only people saying they are undecided simply don’t want to admit their politics out in the public.

    And like you said, Trump voters see his shittiness to others as a feature, not a bug. But democrats don’t. They see it for what it is, shittiness. So Why, in your mind, would Dem leaning voters look at all of the things Trump has done and decide “you know what, that Biden guy and the Democrats better align to my morals and standards, but Biden looked awfully old… I better vote for the guy trying to destroy democracy, he’s only 78 after all.”

    No one is seriously considering that. It’s just not a real option. The only thing I could see being a possibility is people being discouraged against voting entirely because Biden didn’t exactly fit into their perfect mold of a candidate. So as a protest, they abstained from voting, and in turn allowed fascism to win through their collective inaction. I can’t see anybody even remotely leaning Democrat doing that though. If they’ve been paying even the slightest bit of attention, they’ve probably already decided to protest vote against Trump.