Does anyone have a link to the post? I did not see it In the article
Does anyone have a link to the post? I did not see it In the article
Isn’t part of the idea go NOT have an outproxy?I’ve always heard that as one of the ways I2p is saferbthan tor
Maybe. Why do you self host it? I’m not saying there are no benefits. I just think it’s not worth it
Since I started using a password manager, I’ve basically forgoten every one of my other passwords. I wouldn’t be able to log in to my drive
Correct me if I’m wrong: if something happens to your vaultwarden instance, aren’t you at risk of losing everything? I do use bitwarden, but I could never self host it. Too important. ID rather use keepass with syncthing so that more than one of my devices have my passwords
This is (among other reasons) why federation was never going to be a good solution . instead of fighting over which site is good and which is bad we are fighting over instances while having the same problems. P2p is the answer
Yes. I have sensitive info in my PC (work credentials) and in the case of a break-in, last thing I want is to jeopardize my job.
When the time comes, I’ll teleport inside a black hole where I will be frozen in time , thus rendering me essentially dead
Let’s make a list of bs excuses that I wouldn’t be surprised if they used. I’ll start:
“No, you see, you are not covered if your neighbor’s house also burns”
Immortal, invulnerable, teleportation
Now I can do whatever I want without having to worry about consequences.
I picked teleportation because I’d hate for example if somehow someone launched me into a sun or black hole and there was nothing I could do forever.
Being immortal an invulnerable I assume I’d be able to get rich very easily.
I also assume the following:
I got some serious skirym flashback