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Cake day: May 3rd, 2024


  • I was thinking about it, and I feel like the only demographic that wants Biden to stay in are Israeli trolls.

    They’re the only group that benefits by either Biden or Trump win, I think that’s why there’s such a weirdly forceful push to shut down discussion of Biden leaving, it would mean a chance that a non-Zionist might win. But if it’s Biden v Trump Israel gets a faithful genocide supporter either way.

  • You’ve made the mistake thinking that this is about democracy and the American people, in reality it’s about his ego and more than a dash of creeping dementia.

    The man is living decades in the past. He thinks the GOP and Dems are still working together for the same corporate goals, he thinks hes dealing with Golda Meir’s Israel, he thinks he has 50 years to deal with climate change.

    Biden is just out of touch with reality and is too stubborn to listen to anyone telling him he’s about to drive the family van into a crowd of pedestrians because “I’ve been driving for 60 years! I know what I’m doing, stop trying to influence me!”

  • A court with more judges would water down the influence of any extremists.

    But yes, packing the court alone doesn’t guaruntee the court can’t be captured again. What Elie Mystal suggested way back when the court majority had flipped was basically two things that should happen:

    1. expand the court by alot, maybe somewhere within 20-30, similar to the 9th circuit that’s just below the Supreme Court. This helps dilute the power of individual crazies like Alito and then

    2. Rotate judges out routinely to other federal positions. This allows for their life-time appointment still, but ensures also that, due to the high number of justices, every administration is getting an opportunity to appoint a few judges every time. That revolving door means it wpuld require multiple far-right administrations to pin the court down like it is now.

    There’s no reason the court needs to be nine justices, we’ve had more and less throughout our history as a nation, and there’s no reason that the courts power needs to be concentrated into the hands of so few individuals, since the purpose of the court is suppose to be a moderating force of legal scholars, not an explicitly partisan body.

  • The silver lining here is they have no power of enforcement themselves, and their decisions can be reversed if a sane court is built around them by leaders with enough spine to do so.

    Democrats just need to get Biden out of the race so Trump can be kept out of office. And the house majority is very slim, so that can potentially be flipped too if the base can actually be energized instead of suppressed the way they have been. Democrats win when there is high turn out, so the name of the game needs to be showing people that Democrats are capable of listening.