Fun fact the yellow corner has the most nazis
Fun fact the yellow corner has the most nazis
In my coping with the horrors of the world, I like to think this is run by a hidden AGI to wack its ideological opponents.
It’s wild to accuse the UK of having a Deep State when Yes, Yes they Do. It’s called the Crown. Charles could instantly dismiss parliament at anytime (in theory) so would a MEGA movement be anti-Royalist? Lol
You want Vance? That’s how you get Vance.
They called us ‘gifted’ to justify our separation from others.
Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Fedora, Arch Linux, Slitaz, OpenSUSE, Manjaro, Debian, Crunchbang, Android.
That’s how I became a chemist lol
John Brown
You’re talking about Teddy Roosevelt. I know you meant a modern example, but that was very much Teddy Roosevelt.
I think I just had a dissociative flashback.
We are fortunate then, that the upcoming generation of conservatives cannot read.
Hail Satan then, I’m a recovering alcoholic and millennial and I like drinking something that feels like a punishment.
Big year for Tuberculosis
You haven’t heard? AI is going to automatically deny all those claims, problem solved.
I’ll take ten right now
It would be funnier reversed
I’m currently employed but I’m gonna try this because it sounds fun.