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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • I quit smoking by switching to vape about 12 years ago. I had smoked a pack and a half of Marlboro reds a day for 30 years prior to that. After 30+ years of being hooked on the coffin nails I found a way out and I (and my family) are so grateful.

    I still have my nicotine fix, obviously, but I am so much less a slave to it. It used to be that I could not imagine being without a box of Marlboros and a lighter if I was leaving the house. Now, I don’t think twice about heading out for a few hours with no vape (nicotine) with me…it’s just not that important.

    I will probably always ingest nicotine in one form or another (vape, gum, patch), as I do caffeine. I no longer feel like I am controlled by it thanks to vaping.

    Give alternatives a try.

  • WTF is actually up with these “civil warriors” who abstained? I live in TX and the general vibe is “if someone needs killin’ I’m down to do the deed.” Most people are generally willing to wade in to conflict if it happens upon them. How, TF, did these diaper-wearing sacks of tears manage to get their law enforcement credentials stamped?

    If I ran away from my duties at work I would be fired immediately. They trained on their roles extensively - “how to neutralize an armed adversary, how to defuse an armed conflict situation, how to…for fuck’s sake keep a child from being shot by an idiot.” Every one of these cowards are still employed - whaat, the actual fuck, is up with that?!!

  • I wrote it to automate my workflow - I’m in sales. I enter site details at the customer location and my app crunches the numbers to pre-fill all relevant documents (contract, financing, etc) in PDF form. I also use it as a presentation device to explain service and product details/specs using pictures, videos and PDF documents.

    No more paper, no more fiddling around with calculator and rate-cards. I do a little data entry and basically my job is done.

  • You are wise to be concerned but I think you will not design an “enclosure” that will prevent further damage if it is inside a wood frame house. There is a house near me that burned down because of a single power brick for a tool in the garage.

    Your better approach would be to make it so that power delivery is monitored and regulated automatically. That or manually just unplug after charging.

    Thermal runaway happens on over-discharge or overcharge of the battery pack. Each pack has smart circuits to regulate this but they are designed at scale with a squinty eye at overall product cost…cheapest circuit available gets used even by well-known manufacturers.

    Place power draw monitoring on the delivery circuit and when the draw lowers to maintenance level (batteries have recharged) have the power delivery automatically cut off. This can all be automated with freely available smart home products. You can even get some temperature sensors to monitor for overheat conditions during charging.