• 10 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 13th, 2023

  • I’d actually put him around about an “Equinox if she was a functional character”. Similar problems that make him unappealing unless you already like the frame or the concept too: he mashes together a whole lot of absolutely everything, but diminished with a “hybrid tax”. Other frames can do one or two things that Caliban does, and do it more effectively, but only Caliban does all of those things at once. I’d say it doesn’t help that he’s neglected and has a pretty bad bug too; currently Sentient Wrath is not applying properly through Overguard.

    As an active Caliban player and having labbed him extensively recently, I’d say he has a lot more going for him:

    The mini-Adaptation is only 1/5th as effective as the real thing, but it’s free and opens up a mod slot. It’s also twice as good as no Adaptation at all while you ease into the Arbitration farm!

    With Arcane Aegis (and potentially Barrier on top), the mini-Adaptation shines with the Lethal Progeny to make him exceedingly durable. I tried a build with no defensive modding outside of Aegis/Barrier and pushed into the mid 200s on SP Conjunction Survival, which is more than my health conversion builds can do.

    He has a good crowd control and personal defense kit with every single ability providing some kind of CC, including a moderate taunt from his Progeny.

    Fusion Strike isn’t just full defense removal, it’s a large and persistent hazard that can be placed three times, so you can place it over potentially multiple choke points and fullstrip enemies as they come to you or an objective.

    He definitely needs some augments and a bugfix pass though.

    (I should say I love Equinox too, and mainly play Nightquinox, but DE has mistreated that poor frame so badly and half her kit is just inadequate nowadays.)

  • What a frame. I actually started playing actively again to farm her Prime, although I was a bit disappointed Stahlta didn’t get the Prime treatment since it was my workhorse gun until I got into Kitguns (and then Incarnons blew them out of the water).

    Some of the fun things Protea has access to:

    Temporal Anchor, Temporal Erosion and Dispensary all work together to make her a decently scaling archgunner, in case you want to use that 5 forma Kuva Grattler on SP. With enough aggressive heat modding, you can also use her turrets to assist killing heavy targets that something like the Decs, Grattler or Corvus Prime can’t efficiently manage. Or just let the turrets do their thing.

    Temporal Anchor stores overkill damage, so it’s quite functional as a nuke. Temporal Erosion both generally assists her with armour removal, as well as directly buffing the “time bomb” playstyle. Also worth noting the general utility of Anchor, as it can be used in quick succession as a grouping ability for your turrets.

    In general, Temporal Anchor is an amazingly condensed ability, and deserving of its ultimate status. The Erosion augment rips armour off the heaviest enemies, then the stored damage provides a straight small modifier. At 15m, the implosion is actually one of the largest grouping abilities. Finally, it bestows generous intangibility frames when first used, and then for the entire duration of the rewind. I definitely recommend trying a vanilla Protea build before ripping it off for Gloom or a damage buff.

  • I had to update myself after the Eclipse and Nourish changes, but here are the numbers:

    Roar: 1 + 0.3*strength faction multiplier (double dips on status and rehits like Xata and Toxic Lash)

    Eclipse: 1 + 0.3*strength Eclipse multiplier

    Sentient Wrath: 1 + 0.35*strength Damage Vulnerability, double dips status, multiplicative to Faction

    Rage: 1 + 0.5*strength Damage Vulnerability, small targeted AoE however.

    Xata’s Whisper: 1 + 0.26*strength Void damage. Double dips off various things. Xata Ivara is still the heaviest* damage buffer in the game because of this.

    Nourish: 1 + 0.45*strength added Viral mod. Viral component is halved vs Deimos grey strain infested and all Labs enemies, but the viral status effect remains full strength.

    Shock Trooper, Smite Infusion: 1 + 1*strength added elemental mod

    Thermal Transfer: 1 + 0.75*strength added elemental mod (twice over if doing Blast? Haven’t labbed it)

    Tharros Strike, Flame Blast, Seeking Shuriken: depends on armour, but 5x~50x is not unreasonable, worth more the more armour the enemy has. Worth less if you’re running Unairu.

    Wrathful Advance: 1 + 1*strength absolute crit chance, only for melee incarnons.

    Grouping abilities: don’t count these out. Coil Horizon is massive, but Ensnare lets you easily charge Incarnon form, and the chaining property increases its range beyond what it seems at first blush.

    Nourish reigns supreme, basically. Sentient Wrath is stronger than Roar, and the target cap is immaterial if you’re running strength, but you have to wait for the waves to reach the targets. Thermal Transfer is excellent due to being able to select the element you imbue. Xata is the winner if you’re a stealth melee build due to still double dipping on Stealth Multiplier.

    *Banshee is stronger if you’re a gambling Tenno, since a double Sonar is the highest possible bonus at any level of strength over 100%, but Ivara wins if you don’t consider RNG. Total Ecliple/Hall of Malevolence Mirage wins at extremely high levels of strength, but Ivara wins up until like 325%.

  • sandriver@dormi.zonetoWarframe@dormi.zoneWeekly Warframe: Gauss
    15 days ago

    I don’t play a whole lot of Gauss, but he’s a really well-rounded frame. Unlike a lot of other buff jugglers, you’re incentivised to stack Duration heavily as it scales his Redline (and not Strength, confusingly).

    So, what makes Gauss so well-rounded?

    With Mach Crash, he has a reasonably large grouping ability. Kinetic Plating guards against the important Blast damage type, although leaves you open to Electric, Toxin and Mag. Thermal Sunder provides fullstrip, as well as an Expedite Suffering effect for Heat (by converting it to Blast). Redline massively increases your DPS and overall QoL, being one of the few reload buffs in the game.

    I’m glad Gauss finally has a Prime release. He’s an excellent newbie frame, albeit hidden behind the scary and confusing Disruption game mode. His signature weapons are also really popular, and coming in with shiny Prime buffs is going to put them in the hands of people still transitioning to Adversary weapons or who are pre-Incarnon.

  • sandriver@dormi.zonetoWarframe@dormi.zoneJade: A warframe review
    20 days ago

    I immediately got interested in Jade’s passive shield tanking abilities. 2 piece Boreal, Aerodynamic, Glory on High and the new innate 50% DR on shields multiply out to: (1-0.5)*(1-0.5)*(1-0.24)*(1-0.4) = 0.114 damage taken. Boreal’s Hatred bumps her to 908 shields, and Arcane Aegis bestows 78 SPS, or ~8k effective shields (~18k with overshields) and 684 effective shields per second. Throwing on Arcane Barrier would be ~1080 ESPS on top of that, but I’m running Molt Augmented so my Glory altfires hit harder.

    At a cursory glance, Aegis seems to enable Spirit of Resilience to be ticking as long as Aegis is active, meaning Jade has emergency survivability reserves to dip into as needed. Very very comfy to play.

  • Before Incarnons came out and power crept everything, I was all in on crafted weapons. Kitgun primary and secondary, and Zaw melee. My favourites are 1h Balla, which I still use in preference to incarnon melees, and both variants of Gaze. Paladin, Basilisk and Butterknife. Secondary Gaze is still one of my all-time weapons.

    It’s easy to feel attached to crafted weapons given the grind for Star Amarast and the fact that you can name your own weapon after assembling it.

  • Revenant is an interesting beast. Right now we’re in the middle of an invisible war between Reb’s baby, Revenant, and Pablo’s baby, Nezha. At one point, Revenant was a high water mark for survivability, but other frames are starting to catch up and steal his thunder.

    Revenant provides a lot of security and failsafes, to be sure, as well as being part of an older paradigm where you have room to fit Helminths for some fun combos. For instance, dusting my old Revenant off I found a set that mashed up Savage Silence and Blinding Reave. I’m not sure if the old Blinding Reave + Xata finisher combo works, but there’s another potential option. You can give him some pretty good crowd control by rounding out his kit with Resonator, and I personally also really like Thrall Pact + Tharros Strike to turn him into a gun platform so I can play with my collection.

    He also has one of the coolest deluxe skins in the game.

  • I think dedicated point defense frames like Mag, Frost and Nyx have a better claim at being ultimate ezmode, but Revenant is definitely up there. I don’t find the taunts on Thralls to be reliable enough for missions that involve defending an objective, in such cases I’d definitely prefer a more complete frame like one of the ones listed.

  • Between the two, I much prefer the Cycron, just because the battery makes it great to use as a Secondary Encumber primer. Out of all the beam pistols though, Gaze remains my favourite, but the Cycron is a close second and is something I encourage all my clanmates to get. If you give it a Magnetic progenitor, it has full coverage as a primer and general crowd clearer and bubble popper.

    Once you have Secondary Encumber, the gap with Nukor as a primer essentially closes. The battery has some obvious advantages if you’re using it as a primer

    For shooting at things, the Cycron has much tighter variance. On paper the damage is a bit lower, but in reality most things will die the instant you point a fully built Cycron at them or any enemies near them. If you’re Sevagoth or Harrow, or some other frame with absolute crits, however, the Nukor is an easy winner.

  • sandriver@dormi.zonetoWarframe@dormi.zoneWeekly Warframe:Trinity
    10 months ago

    I don’t play Trinity much because I have a natural aversion to buff jugglers (same problem with Gauss), but, she has some cool stuff in her kit that does make her quite fun to play.

    First up, Vampire Leech combined with Nourish gives her excellent shield gating ability, for the whole squad, as overfilled energy will spill into shields. EV builds also have a purpose again with this strat. Very powerful. Energy Leech in general is very fun for new players who are still getting their energy economy toolkit filled out. The whole squad will benefit from at least 6000 shields and very high shield generation, and Trinity herself goes up to at least 24k. That’s a lot of shields.

    Instead of running Nourish/Vampiric Leech, Pool of Life lets you build Trinity as a chonky health tank before you ever need to think about Helminth. Only problem is it’s slightly clunky, especially if you’re pumping her duration to make her less spammy: it requires manual deactivation, while also trying to ensure the enemy has taken lethal damage while acting as a Well.

    Link has the very nice property that it bestows status immunity, including knockdown immunity. If your crowd clear is too good though, say goodbye to your link and get ready for the self-stagger. This is less of an issue on Steel Path, but still a major bugbear with the ability due to how the status immunity behaves when Link swaps to a new target.

    Blessing is the classic, of course. While it was nerfed some time ago to be basically useless for objective healing, being able to project damage reduction to the whole party and quadruple their EHP is quite nice. Plus the healing. If you bring a supply of Ancient Healers it’s also possible to have a reliable “battery” for Champion’s Blessing. If you’re running Nourish this actually gives Trinity quite a good damage potential.

    The passive is nice too, especially if you’re running Vazarin and potentially even Amalgalm Shotgun Barrage.

    Overall she’s really good, and actually carried me a long way when I was still new, back in like 2016 or something. I mentioned in my other thread that her pace of play needs some tweaking. There’s too much juggling and her casts are glacial. If you don’t mind that though there’s an absolute beast of a frame in there.

    She also has a cool lobster tail dress on her Prime, so that rules. Trinity best lobster girl.


    I’ll try and get a video up eventually with the specific Tankity builds I run. Can’t recommend Vampire Chef Trinity enough.

  • Good points about Oberon. I just feel kind of bad about Renewal being my helminth slot for long runs; I ditch it for Condemn. And yeah it’s hard to know what to tweak. Smite is very underrated, especially on Nourish builds and in Circuit.

    Yeah, Equinox feels like a prototype frame who either borrowed from her contemporaries in a weakened or more conditional form, or else gave her abilities to later frames in a buffed form. On the other hand it does mean she has an extremely versatile kit. Red Mage energy.