• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • I Just got a watcher notification, and it didn’t open.

    Arctic was open in the background, with the home feed opened in the posts tab. I checked all tabs, and it was not open on any tab.

    Does this log help?

    [2024-03-15 07:20:19 +0000] [info] [arctic] didReceiveNotification: <UNNotificationResponse: 0x300625800; actionIdentifier: com.apple.UNNotificationDefaultActionIdentifier, notification: <UNNotification: 0x30067fcf0; source: com.creaturecoding.arctic date: 2024-03-15 00:00:03 +0000, request: <UNNotificationRequest: 0x30067fdb0; identifier: Optional(B22D8A94-625B-4CF0-854E-F70096E5B408):13131211, content: <UNNotificationContent: 0x10160a360; title: <redacted>, subtitle: <redacted>, body: <redacted>, summaryArgument: (null), summaryArgumentCount: 0, categoryIdentifier: , launchImageName: , threadIdentifier: , attachments: ( ), badge: (null), sound: <UNNotificationSound: 0x302235030>, realert: 0, interruptionLevel: 1, relevanceScore: 0.00, filterCriteria: (null), screenCaptureProhibited: 0, speechLanguage: (null), trigger: <UNPushNotificationTrigger: 0x300b2c3a0; contentAvailable: NO, mutableContent: YES>>, intents: ( )>>

  • Is this the issue you are having, or is it not loading the post at all?

    It’s not loading the posts at all when Arctic is already open in the background and a community/post view is already opened, but I think they do open when the app is closed.

    I am 99% sure that it’s not in a different tab, but I need to reconfirm this as I honestly haven’t thought about it opening in another tab.

    I’ll try to make a screen recording next time I get a notification (I got one for your reply, but I forgot about this).