Salut :D
Je suis sourd, titulaire d’un bprea, je porterai un projet de maraichage qui emergera plus tard.
Je parle de la surdité, du logiciel libre et du maraichage. :)
#LSF #Sourd #Deaf #LangueDesSignes #Maraichage #LogicielLibre #CHATONS
Alts fédiverse
Actu politiques
Actu positives
@pseudo whaaat, i didn’t expect reading this… :neofox_blush_hide:
@Skunk woah tu as une anthologie des Razmoquets c’est super ! On peut voir la photo ? :akko_listen:
@P4ulin_Kbana Na, i’m an iceshrimp user, a misskey fork. I’m also a lemmy user @Snoopy. Hi ! 😄
@Minizarbi ou Cenevol, ça a un coté sinistre :3
@Sunshine maybe euractiv ?
@Martineski @koncertejo
Interesting, thank for your feedback.
For our instance, we try to balance bad news with the forum libre, where we can share picture, movie, book, some daily game…i think it work pretty well because everyone share what they love.
For News, we separated usa, israel-palestine from world news
so it offers a place where anyone can post there or filter. And it let other communities breath.
@Skunk @ceramicsky :blob_cheer: we use it in 99,5% of case ! I think canadian use tabarnak, but i’m not quite sure.
If you wanna create one on we will be very happy :akko_excited:
@Camus Prénouple :meow_flower:
Très jolie buche :3
That result is beautiful and very cute :3
@pseudo it would be making a software that contain both software separated with a tab. And the ui will improve its navigation.
Have you ever tried a forum with a live chat ? What if we remplace this live chat with matodon post ? :blob_coffee:
True. We could do more with two tab :
- a live chat for mastodon where we can follow people
- a forum for lemmy
That would be my ideal software. :)
@pseudo me too but they don’t explain how
@inlandempire pas mal ce site. :)
@BestBouclettes @Gullible true. there was several stage in fact :
* the first one was a party displaying the fashion. People walked on the red carpet with various clotche
* the second a party with various danse style from classical, modern to flokore
* then the small minute mixing dyonisos and the last super, there were both scene.
It was very fun and creative :)
@BestBouclettes i didn’t know it was a thing in french :blobcat_fearful: @SnokenKeekaGuard
@rance @Camus pas mal, c’est pas démesuré un flingue contre des bètes microscopiques :ablobcat_knit_sweats: